
суббота, 6 марта 2010 г.

Ready for Spring

After looking at these for a day and a half I am really ready for spring now!

This is a page about our little princess I did last week. I didn't adhere my journaling strip, because it's not final. Wasn't in writing mood. I will put it aside and come back to rewrite it. Hopefully.

And this is a page about our trip to Florida about 4 years ago. I had a layout idea in my head before I started making it, and it came along pretty easy, minus journaling. Again, I'll do it later. Yes, journaling is my biggest struggle, but I'm learning...

And this one was so much fun to do. It's still missing a title and a few words but... I always wanted to make a page about my friends from Odnoklassiki site. Couldn't fit everybody here... Will definitely make something like that again. I used Picasa program to edit pictures and to make a collage. This was the fastest page I ever made. Love that Basic Grey paper from Offbeat collection.

Wish you all the inspiration to get your precious memories on paper! See you later.

пятница, 5 марта 2010 г.

Thank you everybody!

I don't like birthdays. My birthdays. But today was one of the best birthdays ever. We didn't really celebrate or went out, but what could be better then:

- It starts with a present from my husband a few days earlier...
- My older sister calls and we could talk about our favorite subject with her...
- I get a package and a gift card from Florida...
- My youngest sisters comes over and brings a box of my favorite chocolate...
- Best friend shows up with a pot of pink tulips...
- My cousin and my best friend of school years calls...
- My sister and my neighbor comes with a present and encouragement for my goal...
- My older child offers to babysit so that I could scrapbook...
- I receive a funny birthday message from a friend...
- My brother calls. His phonecall is present itself...
- I get "Happy Birthday to you" played at orchestra practice...
- My middle child makes a precious card for me...
- I get 6 comments from my sister on todays blog. Had a good laugh...
- My mom calls with best wishes for me and my family...
- I get 12 more Birthday wishes from my friends on Odnoklassniki...
- My older sister gets me a present...

Thank you everybody! That's all we need sometimes. Just a moment of attention. That's why 100 friends are always better than 100 dollars. And here is a picture of my DH's present. Love it!

Thank you again!


Hi. I have a confession to make.

I used to think that
- all of my pages had to be done the same size
- they all needed to be either one page layouts or two pagers
- all had to be 12x12 or all 8.5x11
- I thought they needed to share the same style
- have chronological connection withing the album
- and even somehow match color wise...
Not funny, but that's what was holding me back.

Now, I love the freedom of choice and options. I pick a story to tell, decide on paper size and go with whatever feels right at the moment. Ali Edwards played a big part in this changed thinking for me. I love to work on 12x12 canvas, but when I found these adorable 8.5x11 scrapbooks at Kohl's (3 ring binders), this is my new favorite.

Here is a simple layout I made about my mom. I love those old pictures. I don't have too many and that's why they are so valuable to me. I like to turn photos to black and white, especially when originals don't match with each other and to do so here I used Picasa. So easy to use. Actually I love my Picasa more every day. Also used it to fix some cracks on these pictures.

I love simple but I don't remember the last time I could do a page so quickly. Here, I used just a few pictures from Borders. Yes, I learned that I don't have to scrapbook all of them. Just picked the ones I thought will help me tell the story and kept the rest on DVD.

Originally I had a little different design in my mind, but as a part of my scrapbooking process I like to play and rearrange items on the page just before gluing everything down to see other options, and decided to go with this one. Didn't want to put "Borders" for the title, since the big Borders letters are on the photo. Thought that a letter "B" will be just enough.

I do have a couple more pages that still need a journaling for or a title. I will share them later. And here is a sneak peek of what I'm working on right now, almost finished.

Will be back soon.