
пятница, 27 января 2012 г.

Project Life 2012

Hello everyone! I promised to be back with PL on Friday, but as I have said it before, when I promise something, usually I can't keep that promise because something must go wrong. My printer decided to run out of ink, therefore I couldn't print any of the journaling cards. Let me at least share the beginning of it today.

For my 2012 PL I use an album by We R Memory Keepers. It's a nice and sturdy leather 3-ring binder. You can actually purchase them at A.C.Moore now. Unfortunately they don't carry black ones.
Added a little piece of paper with year stickers to the side:

Title page:

When I received PL kit by Becky Higgins back in December for my 2011 album, I knew I wouldn't use all of it. After putting almost entire album together, I still had a good portion of it left. So I'm using a new paper pack plus leftovers from Becky's kit. I found a Wedding paper pack that had the perfect paper selection with light creams and grays. To start, I cut out 52 title cards (one for each week) from that paper pack:

And a few journaling cards, which will be mixed with Becky's:

I also modified some of the Becky's journaling cards to match my theme.
As soon as I get those journaling cards printed, I'll share the first few weeks.

... And as if "out of ink" wasn't enough for me, my camera was dropped yesterday and now all pictures are out of focus. Sad. Seriously, it fell of the bench only one and a half feet from the ground. Who would've thought it would cause damage to it?

See you soon, and hopefully with only good news next time.

четверг, 26 января 2012 г.

Pinterest flu

I love Pinterest. It's always nice to go there and check a few things... get inspired... get new ideas... But lately I have been asking myself "Is it helpful or is it planning to ruin my budget?"

After pinning many many many pictures into "Home" folder, I started questioning myself, did I paint the right colors in my living room? What if I change the curtains here? How about ...? Should I...? I have to ... ! And that list goes on and on.

Dangerous. I know. Changing a color of the room is just a little pricier than changing a background paper on the layout. I guess there wasn't much harm when I visited scrapbooking related sites only. Yeas, there were moments when I fell in love with some paper and I had it on my wish list on the site store... but now I want some new pieces of furniture... new rug... or chandelier... or change things around... or...

You may or may not be related to this problem, but if you do can you share an advice on how to deal with it? Do you just keep not liking the wall colors, enjoy your old boring area rug or you actually may need to change something?

Just a thought.

I'll see you tomorrow with photos of PL!

вторник, 24 января 2012 г.

While cleaning my table...

This layout wasn't supposed to happen. But, you know, sometimes you just feel like cutting without much thinking. I found a few pictures - leftover form a previous page, a not so good one, the one I didn't like the colors of, a few other random ones and I just started to cut them. I was just having fun...

But then, I realized how any picture or set of pictures have a story if you keep your mind open to it. If I was planning to make a page on this subject, I would probably have chosen photos more carefully, but it's not a significant one, that requires to be perfect. Just another thought. Another memory. It all adds up in the album.

For the longest time I was afraid to use black papers on the page, but I guess it's not that scary if it fits the story. I added a few circle elements that I love to use so much, to dress up a little that black border on a side:

So, if you have too much extra time on hand (yeah, like we all do) just do a page that you wouldn't be upset about if it doesn't turn out the way you wanted it. It is SO freeing!

Happy scrapping everyone! Or should I say - Happy Memory Keeping! It seems like the second term applies to a wider variety of people lately.

Take a few pictures... add a page to your photo book... write a little note of something funny that happened recently but you might forget later (and believe me, you will. I keep finding those little notes of what my kids said, and I read them like I've never heard that before.) Our memory is not 100 percent reliable.

See you later dear friends!

понедельник, 23 января 2012 г.

"My favorite Memories" page

I've made two more pages last week, but they were both out of season. I'm out of winter pictures right now, so I'll just share one of those pages today (the other one is missing journaling). Well, at least the colors on this one are kind of wintery...

I love to work with most recent pictures the most, but sometimes it's fun to go back and use 5 years old pictures, like I did here, or even older:

Lot's of stitching on this one. You can tell I was happy to use my sewing machine again, after my husband fixed it's foot pedal...

Thank you everyone who takes a moment to leave a comment! I really enjoy reading them and they keep this place alive!

Have a very happy Monday!

суббота, 21 января 2012 г.

Thank you, Winter!

Just as I make a page with a complain letter to winter, two days later it surprises us with snow! If I only knew, I would have written that letter much earlier, so we could have white Christmas and New Years...

Just a few happy pictures of the day. It sure did bring much joy to some little people...

It started with a serious job of shoveling driveway...
... or adding snow to spots where it has already been removed...

Then it continued with some sledding...

... and competitions...

... and throwing snow up in the air (changing mittens for the third time by this moment)...

... and more sledding...

... and laughter,

...and falling...

Just a fun day to be added to the third week of Project Life 2012! Hope you are recording your year too.

Stay warm and I'll see you here next week!

среда, 18 января 2012 г.

Winter layout!

Hi! I decided to go back in the season and make a snow layout with a complaint to winter.

I've never mixed blues and reds on the same page, but really loved those winter paper collections that had this color combination in them. And for these pictures, Suzanna's coat dictated these colors for my page:

I can't seem to complete a layout without sticking a tab and a circle somewhere on a page:

Loving and keep using these tiny letters bi LilyBeeDesign:

And here is a close up of the journaling in two parts:

Thank you for visiting! And I wish you all the best ordinary January day!

понедельник, 16 января 2012 г.

Looking back...

Привет всем! Работая над альбомом "Project Life", я заметила что прошлым летом у меня часто встечаются фото моей новой подружки, которая за короткое врямя стала для меня как сестричка. Сегодня у меня была возможность увидиться и поговорить с ней по Skype, и снова захотелось встретиться, посидеть рядом за чашкой чая, повспоминать о прошлом... Не знаю насколько эта мечта воплотима, но о новой встрече мы не будем терять надежды.

А пока нас разделяют тысячи киллометров, по ее просьбе хочу поделиться моментами наших прошедших праздников, так как она не смогла быть рядом и ей пришлось их праздновать на другом континенте нашей планеты. Даша, это тебе:

Наша домашняя ёлочка. В этом году мы решили её украсить в белых тонах:

... наше чудо с её любимым занитием возле ёлочки...

В нашем районе каждый год проезжает Пожарная машина с Дед Морозом:
Наш первый и пока единственный снег этого сезона:

Даша, это та же улица на которой ты фотографировалась босиком...

Украшение зала к праздникам:
Готовый результат:

24 Декабря. Вечернее служение с детской программой:

Наши детки первый раз пели все вместе. Лиана с Женей вступали только в припеве, но этого было достаточно, потому что третьему припеву когда она совсем осмелила, почему то старшим трудно было допеть...

Ее внимательный просмотр Рождественской сценки:

Самый долгожданный момент для деток - роздача Рождественских подарков:

... которые им тут же и нужно было проверить...

Наши детки после служения:

Хор на служении 25 Декабря:

Маленькие радостные моменты...

Встреча за столом после служения у наших родителей дома по традиции:

Одна из игр для деток после праздничного обеда:

Надеюсь ты смогла увидеть нас и частицу наших праздников через это окошко в прошлое... Пиши. Звони. Скучаем.

А ко всем остальным - до скорой встречи с новыми работами!