
среда, 11 апреля 2012 г.

11 on 11th

1. Hello everyone! Просто ещё раз хотелось поздравить с праздником всех тех для которых эти слова что то значат...

Picture was found on Pinterest.

2. I have spent too much time on the computer these last few days. I was helping my sister with two photo books, so when the question came about blogging, I just had to say - enough for today. That was the reason for being absent here. Done with books for now - back to blogging!

3. I first saw the idea of this cake in a magazine. A few days later it was all over Pinterest... Well, I figured my Mom and Dad don't visit that site (plus a few more people) so, I just had to make it:

4. Just a fun little reminder for all of you - since it's April 11, it means we should be on the letter K for both alphabets! It's ok if you are behind, but don't put it off for any longer. Remember - one sentence might be enough to tell a story.

5. My little one will be four this August, so I decided she needs to start learning some letters. A few times I wrote some letters in a notebook for her to copy and she seemed to enjoy it. But she was always done faster then I expected. So, to make it fun, I decided to combine her love of photos (she LOVES to look through photos!) and writing letters in one very mini album:

It measures only 3x3. I have printed a baby picture for every letter of the alphabet. Now she can take it and copy letters from this book anytime she wants to.

Yes, she really likes her little book.

6. Just wanted to ask - How come when Spring comes with spring cleaning - one happens by itself and the other one you should be doing? We did a little bit of Spring cleaning in the basement and one spot there really makes me not enjoy cleaning. That's the closet under the stairs. Somehow everything just creeps in there and it's really hard to organize stuff.

Wishing one day we could redo that whole corner into something like this:

I wouldn't mind those floors either :) Again, photo was found on Pinterest.

7. You know how toddlers come up with some funny things or ideas in their head? So, my little one realized (or was told) that everything that I eat -the baby eats. Now, every time I put something in my mouth she asks if I eat this for the baby... First of all - any time you ask me now, I can tell that I haven't eaten anything. For myself of course. And second of all - each time she asks that, I pause and think: Does my baby really need this peanut butter cup?

8. I did make a layout last week. Another one from a week before is waiting for a few words on it. I'm in the process of thinking how to make pages more meaningful. I have more free time on hand right now, so I can let myself make a page just because I want to. In the future, with a baby in the house, I would have to really pick and choose...

This one didn't really have a deep story. I just wanted to make a page, that's how it was born.

9. Thinking about our Easter dinner again (I think I'm hungry), I really wouldn't mind to have some more of this:

I can still smell it... Thank you brother for making this delicious meat for us. Another one of my favorites from that dinner was a broccoli and avocado salad that my sister made. I think I ate most of it. Delicious!

10. Making "плов" for dinner tonight.

11. Well, originally I thought it was the tenth of April, so I had only ten things I wanted to point out today. So this point actually features an excuse for not really having a point.

Thank you for stopping by and have a great day!

19 комментариев:

  1. FINALLY! I guess I didn’t realize how often I visit here until I came, and came, and came again and still nothing was up! :-/ but I guess everyone deserves a break ;-)
    VOISTINU VOSKRES!!! I like the picture you used! Pinterest has some awesome pictures and new ones all the time  Oh and I thanks for the “book” idea, I guess you inspired me to do mine especially since you did 2 for Tanya ;-D
    And the cake… haha yeah you are right, don’t think mommy and daddy would visit pinterest! :-D but that cake was so good!!
    Anya that “mini book” is such an awesome idea!!! REALLY! You cant even pay money for that cuz its more special with her inside it plus the one’s she loves! Absolutely remarkable!!!
    And spring cleaning??? What is that? Is that when your husband moves everything out of the way in the garage so he can park his car or hang “his” new toy on the wall and your stuff does not matter that its all over the floor? Yeah I guess that normal though :-D still love him! He was so proud that he hung all of his screw drivers and a shop-vac on the wall… haha But the stairs idea is AWESOME!!!!! I don’t necessarily need that much room yet but that looks SO COOL! I WANT IT!!!!!
    And of course… Anya very nice LO! I like the color combinations! Have a feeling you will be using blue more and more ;-)

  2. Ohh and yes, Thank You Ilusha!!! They really were delisious!!!
    OK... i think i commented on everything!

  3. Ira you are funny! You did try to cover everything!
    Anya I will start from most important, Xristos Voistiny VOSKRES i krasivaya picture!
    vtoroe of course shashliki xochu esho! Ilusha prosto takoy prazdnik etim bludom sdelas, Katya pereday emy esho raz spasibo!
    ostalnoe zabila :)

  4. net Anya nezabila, spasibo bolshoe za photo books, tak xorosho kogda nenuzhno vibirat kakie luche postvit, a tak priedet surprizom! I love it already! Thank you!
    Thank you for eating some of my salad :)
    How many photo books do you have?
    Spring cleaning, ya odno ponyala pochemy nazivaetsya spring cleaning, because it takes whole spring to get through everything, wright? Ili eto tolko y menya tak?

  5. Ira that was funny kak Sasha pomog, y nas tochno tak zhe, ya vse lishnee v garazh, do momenta poka Vovochka nedoberetsya ego organize i togda tolko 2 options ono ili vibrasivaetsya voopshe (ya pozzhe realize eto) ili nazad v dom zanositsya

  6. ХА-ха-ха... Ира я должна теперь исправить название на - "2 поста за день": первый здесь от меня, второй в комментариях от Иры :)))

    Мой муж тоже просидел в гараже перед праздниками. Я все стараюсь собраться сил сделать страничку о его хобби...

  7. Tanya I Love your definition of Spring cleaning! Я себе купила авокадо, собиралась сделать салат, но мои авокадо до салата не дотянули:(

    А на счет книжек я немножко боюсь... написано что их уже выслали и они должны в Пятницу быть :)

  8. WOW! tak bistro?! That's nice
    A pochemu boishsya?

  9. V etu pyatnitsu???? OUCH! teper i ya bous!!! :-D oy ili excited?! :-D
    A gde nasha katusha??? Mozhet ey pozvonit' nado? A to vdrug ona uzhe rozhaet bez nas i mi ne znaem?

  10. Кстати Аня спасибо большое за фотоальбомы! Всётаки я одно поняла, когда я над чем то работаю, то мне оно потом совсем ненравится, а так неимея представления какие там фотки будут, намного луче. Просто чудесно!
    И где это наши остальные посетители, кого то обидели или просто заняты?!

  11. u-r-welcome :) Погода действительно вчера была летняя... А посетители похоже что заняты, сужу по себе... но надеюсь что скоро будет чем поделиться. Работаю над несколькими проэктами сразу. Very busy:)

  12. End of semester...End of college...Papers...Exams...State Boards...
    Job applications...Interviews...
    Baby... Hubby...Cooking... Cleaning etc etc
    Need I say more? :)
    I do quickly check the site sometimes, just don't have enough time to comment a to potom nado budet check and reply ;P

  13. Лора мы тебя понимаем и сочуствуем, бывают такие в жизни периоды. Пусть Бог поможет тебе хорошо поздавать все эхамены и наконецто закончить колледж, и найти хорошую работу, желательно такую чтобы неработать во время собрания!!

  14. Anya, love the card you made for us, maybe u should post a picture of it. It's so cute

  15. Дуська поздравляем вас ещё раз с сыночком! Такой прелестный мальчик :-) Пусть Бог благословит вас! Я только вот думаю что все наши главные scrapbookers пополнили или готовы пополнить свои семьи сыночками, так что неверное вам всем уже будет не до блога.
    Что же Ира мы с тобой будем делать? :)I think there are only two choices join the crowd and get the baby too, or start scrapbooking :)

  16. Spasibo, Marusya. Da, ya ne znau chto bydet s blogom kogda y Ani bydet popolnenie. Ili ee deti zamenyat na nekotoroe vremya?

  17. Katusha, pozdravlyaem tebya s etim prekrasnim podarkom!!! Pust vas Gospod obilno blagoslovit. They are a lot of work, but totally worth it, such a blessing! :) Can't wait to see him!
    P.S. I'll have to visit you pretty soon to see the little munchkin :D
