
вторник, 12 августа 2014 г.

Two page layout...

Hello! I'm back with another page! A while back I made a lot of two page layouts. Actually, I even remember not letting myself make those pages that didn't have enough photos for a two page spread. Things change. Later I went strictly to 12x12 singe page layouts... and then I switched to 8.5x11... and today, first time in many years, I made a double 8.5x11 page.

It was so much fun to make it... and it wasn't that scary... and I'm sure you'll see me do this more often now.

Here's each side a little closer...

I must admit that I don't like making birthday layouts. I can't really pinpoint the reason, but it's just not my type of pages that I like to create. But this page is kind of a twist on a birthday page - it features a photo from the actual Birthday, it talks about this day, but at the same time it shows the growth of a child through the years and so much more.

I'm sure it will be the one that kids would like to go back and look at. I hope I can do something similar about each child in the family. 

To balance the right side, I tried to keep the left side pretty simple - it's already overwhelming with the amount of photos it has. In fact, I was able to fit 18 in there!

FYI - the colors in real life are a little brighter than they appear here - could be the rainy day... All of the pictures were printed at home on a regular cardstock (for some reason, they turn out better on cardstock than photo paper with this printer).

This six-year-old starts school in five day. FIVE DAYS! That means our summer is over... I can't believe they start so early this year. As always it's a little sad and a little exciting at the same time. Hopefully she will like school!

Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

See you soon!

13 комментариев:

  1. Anya, a Leana v kindergarden idet? Ili 1y klass?
    Ya Karinu v shkolu v sledushem godu v K otpravlyat budu. Klassno sdelala stranichku, mne tak nravitsya, kogda mnogo fotagrafiy na odin sluchay mozhno pomestit. Super. Slishala eshe odnu novost. Wow, rada za vas. Kak ya tebe i do etogo govorila, vot kogoto nehvataet na foto u vas. May God bless you give strenght, and wisdom.

  2. Спасибо! :)) Лиана по возврасту как раз вписывается в 1й, но по их новым требованиям, ребёнок должен уметь читать на level 4 до первого класса. Раньше такого не было когда мои старшие поступали. Она по русски читает, а по английски нет, поэтому пойдёт в К. Хотя у моих двух старших день рождения в Сент. и Окт., а у этой в Августе, так что как раз в том же возрасте и эта начнёт школу.

    Спасибо за поздравления и пожелания!

  3. Anya, delau pirozhki. Testo dolzhno bit zhidkovatoe, ya imeu v vidu ne gustoe. kak na pelmeni. Emu srazu formu predat i zharit.

  4. Nu vot, rezultat.

  5. let me know if you can open pic

  6. Ochen i ochen vkusno. I davolno legko delat. Spasibo bolshoe. Budet i u nas pirozhkovaya dieta

  7. Инна, молодец что решила сделать пирожки - кусочек родины в далёком крае!

    Тесто должно быть очень мягким - оно не липнет к рукам только из за того что обвалено в муке. Намного мягче чем на пильмени (то есть когда месишь то примерно так и получается, а когда оно подрастёт тогда становится очень нежным и мягким) Фото к сожалению не открывается, но ооочень хотелось бы посмотреть. Скинь его мне на email.

  8. oh wow this is so lovely...all this great pictures.... so perfect

  9. От, сколько я постов пропустила! Отличные странички, прям такие спокойные и со вкусом! Очень нравятся!!!!

  10. Awwww kakie klassnie fotki!!! Love this LO!!! Love the colors and all the details. Beautiful! Can't believe Lianochke uzhe 6... and starting school! How fast time goes by...

  11. Wow, I have missed a lot as well. Love, love, love the two page lo, super! Time does fly indeed... also love the transformation pictures through the years!
