This is one of those pages that has been sitting on the shelf, waiting for a title to be cut out some day. Straight letter stickers just didn't work for this page. So, I was finally able to finish it with the title cut out with
Silhouette. I think, my favorite part about Silhouette is that you don't ever need to buy another set of stickers!

This idea came to me one night when I was falling asleep... so I had to get up and sketch it on a piece of paper, so I don't forget. I kept this page pretty simple, since it includes fifteen photos already. Just a few
journaling strips and a row of black stitch rub
ons, which reminded me of the lines on the road...
I wanted to include a PDF of the layout pieces, but was too lazy to do so. If anyone would ever like to repeat this crazy idea, just let me know, I still have the template.
Another crazy idea was to make stuffed peppers tonight this size:

... but they were delicious. Liana loves them so much! (Well, she only eats the stuffing. And there has to be plenty of sour cream with it too)
And before I go. I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to one of the three sisters I was blessed with:

Happy Birthday Sister! Best wishes to you and your family!
Anya i think this is my FAVORITE PAGE so far!!!!! This was an AWESOME idea!!!!!!!!! GORGEOUS!! OUTSTANDING! BRILLIAN!!!! Sorry many over did it with words but seriously just LOVE it!!! ;-) and the peppers... i knew i should of came over :-( but you never told me what time was dinner :-( maybe thats why you didn't tell me, cuz they lood delicious!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd to my sister, even though i told you but i'll say it again... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :-)
Thank you Ira! I wasn't even sure about this one anymore, since it was sitting collecting dust for over two month... and sorry about dinner... we ate late last night :)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya is that why you go to bed after midnight too often, because you make sketches? :-)That one was an awsome idea, you should have it copyried or patened (do they do it in scrapbooking?) Looks very beautiful and original!
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you for birthday wishes and for your peppers, they were very delicious, you know how much I love stuffed peppers!!!
And the picture?!:-) doesn't really look like me.
Tanya happy birthday!!! Wish you all the best.
ОтветитьУдалитьInna k
Thank you Inna! :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьThose that don't know all the talents our Alex R. has, I wanted to share with you his great talent writing birthday poems. Here is what I got for my birthday his year I thought it was just too funny:
ОтветитьУдалитьГде-то 40 лет прошло, может даже больше.
Как на свет к нам в мир пришло " чудо", но не с Польши.
В Украине где-то там, Павел "чудо" то держал,
"Чудо" взяло ускользнуло и в Америку рвануло.
Здесь то "чудо" вырастало, и уже не мало стало,
И highlights ей захотелось, чтобы седина смотрелась.
Ну а кто сказал что стыдно, если седину так видно
Да и впрочем очень классно, а highlights I guess напрасно.
Hahahahaha this is SO funny!!! My honey us the best!! And he's getting better at these every year!!! :-) and Tanya I told you ;-)
ОтветитьУдалитьTanya, Happy Birthday!
ОтветитьУдалитьSasha, not bad.I was thinking the same thing lol
Ira, if it takes your husband a year to get better maybe it's not his thing. Maybe he should just stick with singing.
Anya, the best ideas always come at midnight, right?
Anay, I have to agree, this is my favorite page of your so far (although its hard to pick which on) but I think this one just stands out with originality and creativity, a non-standard type of work!!! I might actually do i :) Very, very nice!
ОтветитьУдалитьHappy Birthday Tanya and God's blessings!
Anya, you always come up with the most brilliant ideas ever!!!!!!! I'm serious!!! The layout is so cute, very unique and different.
ОтветитьУдалитьHappy Birthday, Tanya! Obil'nih Bozhiih blagosloveniy tebe i tvoei sem'ye!
To be honest, I actually thought that this is Ira in this picture, looks like her. But I knew that she can't be a birthday girl in October because I know she an April baby.
Oh, yea, Anya, but your idea of apple with fish salad was not so brilliant, lol
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you girls!!! You made my day! I trusted Ira's first comment and decided to upload it to Two Peas gallery... seems like they liked it too... Thank you, again!
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ОтветитьУдалитьThank you everyone for my birthday wisher! :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьIra your husband has a hidden talent! That was absolutely hilarious!
ОтветитьУдалитьhaha I am like liana :) I only like the stuffing in the peppers, but not the peppers..
ОтветитьУдалитьThis is amazing!! Do you still have the template? I would love to have a copy if possible.
ОтветитьУдалитьJust saw yr lovely layout on Pinterest. Just checking do you still hv the template to share?