Last week our kids started a new school year. I don't want to start complaining again how fast this summer zoomed... but I do want to agree with a saying, my sister told me, that life is like a
toilet paper, towards the end it goes by faster. Same with the summer. It feels like there was no August...
Anyway, like any other new school year, this one began with some photos. I love to see how my girls change every year. Here are their photos on the first day of school this year:

My sweet eighth grader and sixth grader...

And here they are on the same spot just three years ago:

What a difference three years make! I wish I could have them at this age a little longer... And here are some more photos from Alena's first day:

And a few more Suzanna's first day (couldn't photograph them two together, since they leave one hour
Last year Suzanna won two of the drawing contests! And now both, their yearbook and a student handout book have her drawings on the cover. Congratulations sweetie!

And one more thing for today is a layout I made weeks ago, that was also waiting for
journaling to be printed. By the way, Liana realized that it took me
way to long to write
journaling and she decided to add some of her own, right onto the page with a green permanent marker. How exciting. But I got lucky. My orange
journaling spot perfectly covered it. (I just had to scraplift one of Marie-Laure pages)

I just love my quote stamp set. It's so easy to add a little something to the page with a stamp.

Here is another one. Dresses up an empty line perfectly.

And I do like that notebook border punch too:

Best wishes to all of you who had to go back to school this year!
Check previous post for the video. Thanks.
Wow, i wish I was back in middle school! Very nice photos
ОтветитьУдалитьYes Anya, very nice :) on everything :)
ОтветитьУдалитьCongrats girls on being such good students, hope this year is the same. May God bless you and keep you safe all year long!
Anya, see what happens when you don't write the journaling? :) Liana is already taking over your love of scrapbooking, but notice that she's starting with journaling first :D
Спасибо Жека, и спасибо Лорочка! Это был для меня еще один урок что я должна начинать со слов...
ОтветитьУдалитьСпасибо за пожелания тоже!
wow Suzanna yje toje stanovitsya famous. way to go.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya very nice pictures! I remember that picture it seems like it was taken yesterday, and it's been 3 YEARS ALREADY! They grow up so fast!
ОтветитьУдалитьSuzanka CONGRATULATIONS to you!
Tough competition fo my girls ;-), Rita vigrala v elementry schole, a v intermediate Suzanna pobedila.
:) Катя решила что она тоже становится известной, потому что мне пришлось видео сначала на youtube загрузить...
ОтветитьУдалитьSister, your kids inspired Suzanna to participate last year. Congratulations to all of them. It seems like Lunchenko's drawings were on the cover for the past four years... we'll see how it goes this year :)
Anya i remember that saying all the time... during summer, vacation, life, anything... it's almost not funny how fast life goes! Before we know it, it will be Christmas, new year and summer again, and then this will also pass and life will closer be to the end... wait this sounds depressing, i don't mean it that way! Just sometimes can’t believe how fast things change, we grow up, and the “little ones” become us… ouch! I just remember when i was in school, really seems like last year, but realized it was a DECADE ago! That’s a looong time! Everyone told me to enjoy the time while you’re in "school" years, because then you have responsibilities, job, marriage, HOUSE (soon) ;-) and it really does go faster like a roll of toilet paper ;-) to which I enjoy every “roll” at time!!! ;-) Anyway Anya, another OUTSTANDING JOB by you, and yes, congratulations to the Lunchenki girls! Hope the Lunchenko boy will continue the tradition ;-)
ОтветитьУдалить... wow ... I don't know what to say... except, THANK YOU! Your POST was so well put together! Wery well said! Yeah, you are so good at writing this! You need a BLOG!
ОтветитьУдалитьBy the way, our kids watched this video so many times that Liana is singing "Учат в школе, учат в школе, учат в школе..."
Thank you! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Irochka as I just said in the previous post you really took your time to say all those nice words, it was beautiful. Anya is wright about blog, you need one just connect it somehow to Anya's and share your life with us, and put your new hose makover pictures there.
ОтветитьУдалитьAbout Lunchenko boy contining tradition not sure :-( I can still hope so wright? :-)
he-he... Надежда умирает последней... А на счет блогов, девочки вам ВСЕМ нужно по одному! Особенно Лоре в данный момент! Разве ты Лорочка не хочешь делиться с нами своими радостями и ежедневными мелочами которые только мама может понять... Think about that!
ОтветитьУдалитьDa, nadezhda umiraet poslednei, dazhe pesnya est takay "Nadezhda umiraet drug poslednei!" So there's always hope :)
ОтветитьУдалитьBlog?? A very tempting idea, and yes, i would love to share that we you guys, ne znau, ne znau.....definitely something to THINK about! :)
Aww Tanya THANK YOU! And yes your should ALWAYS have Hope! And if talent does not take him far, the "cuteness" will! ;-)and yeah i kinda like the idea of sharing the progress of my house, but then who's going to visit Anya's Blog? :-D haha :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you Ira! I just hope the "cuteness" doesn't lead him wrong way!!! Life is so scary, and even if he wouldn't have any talents or wouldn't be "cute", the only wish I have for him and is to follow Jesus with his whole heart!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd about BLOGS we will have time for all those blogs, and they all will be different, so keep thinking :-)
Nice conversation going on here! Yes, I agree to all said above...
ОтветитьУдалитьhehe, Irchik, we will visit both blogs for sure! Just post things on opposite days, so that we have something new every day :)))