Hi! I'm so excited to announce that my first ever page was published in the magazine! It was
Scrapbook Trends magazine, September Issue, page 25. I was waiting for this moment for so long and it is finally here:

I was pretty cool and exciting to see my name in the magazine, but then I paused for a moment and thought - nothing will ever be compared to the joy that will fill those hearts who will see their name in the eternal book of God! It will be beyond every imagination... And that's the book I want my name in!
I believe you can turn almost any everyday activity into a mini-vacation, if you put your mind to it. This past Labor Day we did just that. I wanted one of the bookcases for our kids room from
Ikea, so we got up early in the morning and went on our mini trip.

We got there just a couple of minutes before store opening. Ikea restaurant serves FREE breakfast every Monday. How nice is that? That's where we started our "shopping":

And did some shopping. Kids loved checking all of their decorated rooms. I did too. My husband thought there's more interesting stuff in the world than this, but he was pretty patient with us.

For labor day weekend they also served FREE lunch for kids! So, we finished our shopping with a nice little lunch.

It turned out to be a very nice day spent together with our little family.
And for now, have a nice rainy day! Seems like there's enough for everyone!
Hey, Anya, which Ikea did you go to- One in Philly or Baltimore?
ОтветитьУдалитьhaha free food..very smart
ОтветитьУдалитьANYA CONGRATULATIONS on such an achievement!! To have your work published is something to be proud of! I think from now on they should keep choosing your pages and publish more and more. And next thing you know I will be a sister of a "famous scrapbooker"! Just fantastic! GREAT JOB!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьIkea in Baltimore... :)
ОтветитьУдалитьYes, free food is great... :)
Thank you sister! Your not-so-famous scrapbooker works in a bigger scale project this week, so I can't submit anything... unless it will go into HomeDecor magazine... :)
Congratulations! I know you have been waiting for this moment and now it is here :)
ОтветитьУдалитьwow i think pizza hut has the best pizza ever. yumm
ОтветитьУдалитьsorry, ya sovsem ne v temy
ОтветитьУдалитьhaha, Duska! That was my favorite pizza ever when I was pregnant. It just had to be from Pizza Hut every time! A teper my fave is Dominoes. Anyway, congrats to Anya! Like I've said before, you're super talented and every time you create anything it's always perfect. No wonder your work is being published. If you would've went to Ikea here in Philly, you would've been 20 minutes away from my condominium and could have stopped by to say hi. But since you went to Baltimore, never mind, lol
ОтветитьУдалитьToday at Net Cost, one Russian man has asked me if this is my brother (na Rusika) and I said "net, eto moi sinok) so he shockingly answered "oops, a ya podumal chto ti shkol'nitsya let 15 or so. I thought that was funny.
ОтветитьУдалитьAlso, living not far from NetCost is really unhealthy! Too many sweets all the time! I feel like I'm expanding already, lol
ОтветитьУдалитьHe-he... I knew that going to Ikea in Phily ment coming bach with "white salad" but... I was just SO thankful that my husband actually agreed on going, even if it was the other one. I'm half way done with the room... Soon there will be Room Remodeling post...
ОтветитьУдалитьДевочки, вы заметили, я убрала код для вас! Пожалуйста. :))
Ya zametila tol'ko ne znala chto to ti mogla sdelat'. Ya dumala chto eto tol'ko mogli delat' people kotorie glavnie na etom site or something. But yea, it's much better, now we can all write more comments since there's less hassle! Come on, everybody!!!!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьyep! Мне Катя Танина показала... знаете как эти детки иногда быстрее успевают разучить технику чем мы... Спасибо Катюша!
ОтветитьУдалитьEto tochno
ОтветитьУдалитьhaha Anka, i guess in philly 15 year olds look like you
ОтветитьУдалитьHey, maybe he meant college student, lol-then that is true!
ОтветитьУдалитьActually, our Roth Village neighbor in unit next to Ivaschuki, she said that I'm 16, so delo ne v philly
ОтветитьУдалитьwell i guess you look young, i don't know
ОтветитьУдалитьway to go anya.. huge CONGRATS to you, thanks for stopping by at my blog :)