Just wanted to quickly share another LO, and need to go back to canning. It's not as much fun as scrapbooking, but needs to be done. So, for this page I exclusively used all the papers from one set. That is a Couture collection by SEI.

This collection is SO pretty! I love all the colors and light shades of papers. Here, check them out:

I could scrapbook out of it for a month! (Well, maybe not... I do like to go through my stash...)

Just the right amount of solids and prints that could be easily combined together...

So, the night before we left for out trip to Myrtle Beach I made this layout, while everyone was asleep... Oops... I just realized that I did add a strip of pink paper by Basic Grey underneath my title. Sorry. I guess I just couldn't do it. But that pack was sitting on my table, that's why it got onto the page.

Here is a close up, that shows the dimensional piece...

Trying to eat more vegetables. So we've been enjoying that salad again this week. This time with potato filled tortilla wraps. Delicious...

Всего доброго! До встречи!
Very cute layout and that paper pack does look pretty. I gotta make this yummy salad and tortillas.
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you! You really should try that salad, if you haven't yet. But now I'm craving white fish salad... yumm...
ОтветитьУдалитьYep, I was thinking about it too the other day, gotta go get some.
ОтветитьУдалитьyeah, it's just a bit closer to you... I wish I could just go and get it... :))
ОтветитьУдалитьYea, fish salad is a little more convenient for me... Anya, when you stitch your pages/papers, do you do so with the shortest stitch? Also, what needle are you using? Really skinny one or just regular, universal kind. It seems like your stitches are smaller in every way. It seems to me like my needle is making large holes in the paper.
ОтветитьУдалитьI use the regular needle. I think it is #80, but if you think your needle makes too big holes you can try a size smaller. И обычно я выставляю длину прямого стижка на 2.2, или 1.1 на зиг-заг.
ОтветитьУдалитьbread with cream cheese and smoked salmon on tops it all for me
ОтветитьУдалитьHey girls (or guys)! Do you have any ideas for me to write a paper on? It's for my Russian culture class and I would like to pick something within the Russian diet field. Naprimer, the negative effects of Russians consuming too much Vodka. But do you have any other ideas?
ОтветитьУдалитьRussians consuming too much sala (fat) lol
ОтветитьУдалитьNice lo and nice collection too! How often do you get new papers? :)
ОтветитьУдалитьLIanna seemed very comfortable on your shopping trip :D
I actually made the potato filled tortillas last week and then you posted this, so now I have to try to make this salad :)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnka, do you have something specific that you need to focus on, one thing from the diet? You could talk about variety, having a diet that has more variety or the concept of fried food in the Russian diet. But salo could be your topic :)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnka, if you want to point out something positive - you can mention that most of all Russian food is organic.
ОтветитьУдалитьLora, I bought that pack about a month ago when I went to the store to get some white cardstock. Of couse I checked new stuff... and what I liked about this pack was that it had a very clean white back side. So, for almost the same price I got a pack of papers which has white (the patternes that aren't my favorite or that repeat), and a nice addition of pattern papers! It's called smart thinking :)))
ОтветитьУдалитьNice ideas, girls! I really like Anya's suggestion about Russians consuming organic foods almost entirely. I think that this will be my topic. Thanks, Anya. That paper pack-where did you get it? Michael's or ACMoore, or someplace else? And I agree, Anya, that you made a smart purchasing decision with those papers!
ОтветитьУдалитьNice, I love good deals with paper sets that have many pages that I like!