When December just begun, I thought I'd post here every other day. And today is already December 22... Yes, we were busy here. Good busy. I was working on my December Daily today but didn't get a chance to photograph finished pages yet. Hopefully I can find a minute to do that tomorrow. But for now I'm leaving you with one of my favorite pictures:

Looking at these happy faces you can tell they had fun. Love to see them happy and smiling. Can't wait to develop them to use for DD.
Hope to see you at least one more time in December.
YOU girls r so cute! Nice picture... wish i was there with u!
ОтветитьУдалитьI wish not only I was there, but wish I could skate.
ОтветитьУдалитьHaha AGREE Marushya... but so funny that now all of us went back to look at older posts! :-)