Happy Friday everyone! I know it's the favorite day of the week for many of us, even though I really like Mondays (don't tell my husband).
It finally snowed this week in our neighborhood. We did see some flurries before, but nothing that would make the roofs and streets look white.

I'm making some final steps in my DD. By now I would really like it to be finished. It is getting pretty thick with all the pages in. I used 1.5'' rings for it. One thing I noticed for myself - I like it very clean and simple this year. I'm having trouble adding much of anything on pages.

One more thing for tonight -
Foto Friday. An assignment for this week's photo was - SELF. Are you kidding. I barely ever get in the picture, and even if I do, I usually try to hide behind my husband, kids, tree or whatever. Taking a picture of myself... I guess,... well, maybe... I'll try to add a picture here later... not promising.
Week 2 of Scraplift Sunday is coming soon with new projects.
Have a great weekend!
Nice, can't wait to see more of your DD. Mine this year is very abstract you might say or a bit crazy :) Next year I believe I will do a more traditional one. I feel like I'm a year behind :)
ОтветитьУдалитьI'm waiting for the picture for the Foto Friday :)
One more thing, is that a 6x8 picture? And did you print that at home?
This is one of two enlarged photos that wasn' printed at home. I ordered one collage in 8x10 and then cut it into two pictures (one was 8x5.5 and the other 8x4.5). Love those large prints!
ОтветитьУдалитьCool! I'll know for next time. I wish I could print pictures at home that I can make an exact size, but our printer is not for pictures....
ОтветитьУдалитьThat was my 2009 Christmas present from my DH!