If you are new to this site,
Scraplift Sunday is a challenge we created to make ourselves get more stories down onto paper, to find our personal style, while exploring the work of other artists and simply enjoy this fabulous hobby of creating memories.
So, for this week's challenge, once again we used Robyn
Werlich's layout for inspiration. I am a big fan of Robyn's work and in order to understand how she puts her pages together, I made myself copy her work very close. Here is my page:

Close up (You can tell, I had a luxury of using unlimited amount of stickers, thank you Katya):

Девочки, если вы сделали ваши странички, пришлите мне пожалуйста на e-mail, чтобы я могла их добавить сюда и поделиться вашими работами для общего вдохновения.
We decided to announce our challenges here on the blog. So, for our next challenge we are going to be using a page by very
talented Susan Weinroth.
There is a lot to be thankful for in our
lives and by making a layout I re-live the moment and it fills my heart with gratitude and joy. Even though not all the memories are happy, they are the ones that make our life unique and precious.
If you haven't done a page in a while, do something creative this week!
Beautiful page Anya! I am not on the ball this week, it has been crazy and very stressful and it's the start of college... :( Sooo, I will have it emailed to you tomorrow or tuesday, sorry for the lateness. I will have to be on schedule now though with college having started.
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you! There is no fine for being late :) so, just send it to me whenever you get a chance to finish it...
ОтветитьУдалитьI love this layout! How do you always combine colors like that? Im at school right now if you wanted to know.
ОтветитьУдалитьI did send you an email yesterday, I don't know if you received it or not. Alex has both of our lenses :) sooo, I had to take the picture with my phone. Not too great with colors and quality. I'm not sure if you want to wait until I give you both of the pages, last week's and this week's, so that you can take the pictures. It is up to you :) Loving it that I'm getting more scrapbook pages done just because of having this challenge every week. Thanks for having me.
ОтветитьУдалитьP.S. Hope Liannachka is feeling better... Missed you in church on Sunday.
Shame on Alex! :) Let me have both of them on Friday or Saturday, I don't want a bad picture take away from the LO. And - yay! for getting more pages done :)