Last week I asked each of you to send me answers to the same questions along with your layouts. It was fun reading your responses and seeing more lovely creations. Thanks for participating again! So, I'll start with myself:

2. Your favorite color to work with on a layout (not a color combination). - Even though I seem to have brown on all of my pages, my favorite has to be orange at the moment. It just makes me happy.
3. What do you snack on or drink when you scrapbook? - I don't. Can't afford the consequences if something gets spilled on my papers. But I do get a cup of tea or coffee and sit at my computer looking for inspiration just before that. It's like a warm up.
4. What is your favorite tool at the moment? - It has to be the one I use all the time - my Corner Rounder Punch. Can't complete a page without it.
5. I wish I had more time to scrapbook. This is one thing you never have enough for anything!
For our challenge we had to scraplift someones page. I love scraplifting because someone has already spent enough time on design and still every time you scraplift your page turns out a little more your way, a little more like you. The original page was made by Nancy Damiano, you can click HERE to see her page. And here is my take on it:

2. Your favorite color to work with on a layout (not a color combination). - My favorite color to work with is brown.
3. What do you snack on or drink when you scrapbook? - I don't snack on anything when i scrapbook. I usually have a big meal before that.
4. What is your favorite tool at the moment? - My favorite tool is a Corner Rounder.
5. I wish I had more - more paper (and punches, and tape runners, and lots of ribbons).
The only reason for having a challenge is to motivate ourselves to create something during the week. Katya had enough motivation to complete 3 pages. She didn't scraplift her layouts but she is happy to share one of them with us today. My favorite part is that she cut off the paper where that large butterfly was and added it on top of her layout for dimension and extended her page with a solid color paper which was a perfect space for her title. Here is Katya's page:

2. Your favourite color to work with on a layout (not a color combination). - Favorite color? I'm not sure that I have one, but if I had to choose I'd probably pick brown.
3. What do you snack on or drink when you scrapbook? - I don't snack on anything, it's too much hassle, then I have to wipe my fingers, but I do have a bottle of water next to me or a cup of tea.
4. What is your favorite tool at the moment? - I don't really have that many tools, need to invest in some, but don't want to buy too much, because I was promised a Silhouette pretty soon :) So anyways, I'd have to say my scissors, that have different patterns on them.
5. I wish I had more time!!!
Lora followed our challenge and for her layout she scraplifted a page by one of my favorite scrapbookers - Stephanie Dagan. Here is original layout by Stephanie. I like everything about Lora's page here especially her choice of colors. This page is a great example that you don't have to have tons of pictures to make a good layout. Good design of elements makes it very pleasant to the eye. Here is Lora's page:

2. Your favorite color to work with on a layout (not a color combination). - My absolute favorite color is brown, anywhere and everywhere!
3. What do you snack on or drink when you scrapbook? - I definitely drink tea continuously and periodically snack on graham crackers with peanut butter and raisins.
4. What is your favorite tool at the moment? - My favorite tool is always slot punch tool that sets all kinds of eyelets and creates slots to weave ribbon through.
5. I wish I had more pictures to scrapbook, but eto yzhe ispravlyaetsya, lol.
Unlike many other scrapbookers, who use scraplifting to ease the process and save time, Anka finds it difficult to scraplift and likes to go in her own direction and just create! My favorite part about her page here has to be the way she cut parts of her decorative paper and used some of it to overlap her pictures. The way she pinned her journaling block is very creative too. Here is Anka's page:
Okay. I think that was the longest blog post yet! Or at least it took me the most time to write everything down. And now is the time for our new challenge.
I promised a very easy challenge for this week. Here we go: Make a page about here and now using one of the examples below. Ali Edwards is an advocate of scrapbooking the real life and everyday moments. She is not about all the prettiness but about reality. In one of the Creating Keepsakes magazines she encouraged readers to make a page out of stuff that laid around their table. Our life changes all the time. What is there that reminds or describes your life at the moment? I want each one of us to make that VERY SIMPLE page using the repetition of shapes of photos and papers. It can have a little or no journaling. That how easy it is. Anyone, ANYONE can do this. I expect my kids to participate. And I expect the biggest member participation yet. Here are a few examples of those pages:
Ali Edwards made a number of those. Here are a few of them: ONE, TWO, THREE and FOUR. Robyn Werlich made a very pretty but simple one HERE. And Kandis Smith scraplifted her page HERE . A good example of similar layout, but having circles instead of squares is made by Susan Weinroth HERE. More circles by Keely B HERE. HERE is another example by Michelle Lindenmayer. And one more by TwoPeas member under name Melsboys HERE. You got the idea.
Good luck everyone. I'm expecting a flow of layouts coming in this week.
Have a great week, enjoy the beautiful weather and take more pictures!
WOW! Anya what a nice job!!! First of all... everyone NICE layouts!!! Lorik that is so nice to do that about a best friend! And Katusha, such a beautiful page! Danichik i so adorable, and u r gorgeous! Anka, there it is! Love that page of yours, and u'r right, pictures are NOT the real thing, that paper is so awesome that u used! It had to be felt, not looked at. GORGEOUS!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya... back to you... obviously your page is awesome as usual but this "post" is special... I can see you put a lot of time into it, but it was worth it... it's like we know each one of you a little closer. Very nice!!!
Thank you so much! It did take a little longer to compose in a way with photos and answers next to them and some ajustments to images but I had fun! I hope everyone does too!
ОтветитьУдалитьIra, next challenge will be soooo EASY - I expect 3 LOs from myself! Even Suzanna is going to make one... So, that's your turn (and Tanya's) to make your very first page!
wow this was such an interesting post. Very nice pictures and layouts, everyone. Have to go, will comment later
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, is that Melissa on your layout?
ОтветитьУдалитьYes it is. Is that why you didn't say anything else? hehe
ОтветитьУдалитьLol, da net, the fact that Melissa is there doesn't mean that the layout is bad. But at least there are good memories of hers you and I have. (And I'm lucky to have the bad ones as well)
ОтветитьУдалитьIra, thank u for ur comment. I m still waiting for u to join the club. Lora, it's true what Anya said, u really pulled it off with only one picture. Anka, i like ur green paper( makes it very unique). Anya, I like when u do a page about urself, cause most of the them r about the kids.
ОтветитьУдалитьGreat job everyone. I agree, that this post is very interesting because of the questions that we had to answer.
ОтветитьУдалитьDuska, how old is Danik on your layout? He looks way chubbier than now!
Ira and Marusya, you better join us for this new challenge that Anya announced. If you won't, we'll punish you, lol
I agree! Anka, you would have to come up with the punishment... ты у нас самый сообразительный...
ОтветитьУдалитьLora, Silhouette? REALLY? Ты заставляешь меня завидовать зелёной завистью...
ОтветитьУдалитьhey where is our next challenge posted? i guess i missed it...what is it?
ОтветитьУдалитьAnka, i think he is not even 1 there. I have to look it up. And i forgot to write a date on my page
ОтветитьУдалитьnevermind i found the challenge for next week
ОтветитьУдалитьA punishment??? Ummm... I don’t know I’m kind of excited to see what the punishment will be!! :-D :-) I might actually enjoy it :-D hehe
ОтветитьУдалитьBut really… where is the next challenge posted? I missed it too. Now have to re-read it! I think I’m too embarrassed to do a layout… U guys will laugh… I can’t do it like u! :-(
O come on, Ira, you can do it! We will not laugh at you! And what would be there that we would laugh at? It's just your style!
ОтветитьУдалитьNext challenge is in the last two paragraphs of the post.
ОтветитьУдалитьIra it will be more embarasing if Suzanna does one and you don't :)))
Yeah, thanks for the encouragement! now I feel dumb! :-( I'll draw it for u guys, insted of a layout :-D
ОтветитьУдалитьI'm so tiered today... i neeeeeed sleep!!!!! Don't know if can work these last 3 hours :-/
Hello everyone! So you all can congratulate me on finishing the semester great, could not have done it without my wonderful God and of course all of you!!! :) THANKS for the prayers! Great job everyone on the layouts :) awesome work. I'm with Anya on this one, our "visitors" better have their pages ready, NO EXCUSES! and Ira, the punishment, it's not what you are thinking :) it's a BAD punishment, you will not be enjoying it.... ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьWriting while still have internet, might not have it, never know when do or don't....
Anya it was a great idea to put this post, now we get to know you all scrappers even better, you all look so happy on those pictures.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya did you take any computer or web design classes? How do you make such an interesting posts with different clicks? I am lost.
By the way more beautiful pages from everyone. Katya you keep getting better and better, nice job!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnka, I like your photo, you look so confident, like a professional scrapbooker.:-)
Lora we are glad to find out you finished another semester with honors. God is Wonderful!
Is that means you are going to see 2 pages from you each week?
Hey Lorik, just wondering are u doing your layout on vacation?? :-) Did u take your stuff with u? :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьReally?! what happened to my comments?
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya was that you deleting my 2 comments?
Tozhe nichego ne ponyala.... I wrote a whole big post while gone, with bad internet reception and now it's not there????? :(
ОтветитьУдалитьTeper budet sovsem ne tak but here is what i wrote earlier. Everyone can congratulate me on finishing this semester great! Could not have done it without my wonderfuly awesome God and ur prayers!!! Great work everyone! A truly awesome job! Anya now we have to gwt u a prize, thanks for all ur hard and wonderful work!!! For our "visitors", net, ya za vas ne zabila, I expect layouts from you. NO EXCUSES!!! Ira, the punishment... Not what u are thinking, it will be a bad one, u will not be enjoying it! :) anyways, this small keyboard on my phone is not as comfortable as the one at home....
ОтветитьУдалитьSorry girls, Blogger had some technical difficulties. It wasn't letting me to write another post :(
ОтветитьУдалитьLora, I did read the first one! Thank you! (and you got it pretty close to the previous one :)
I don't have time to write a new post right now, but let me know if any of you would like to extent the challenge for another week, since I realized that not everyone had recent pictures on hand, OR we can do that VERY SIMPLE style page but it can be about anything - not just "here and now". Thank you.
Yeah Anya... i wrote stuff too, twice, and it is not showing!!! Anyway... i thinks u should extend it for another week, or two weeks or even a month, then maybe i'll do one :-D :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьSorry Ira, blogger service is to blame for that.
ОтветитьУдалитьExtend it for a month... are u that slow? :)))
Yes, yes, like I said today, extending it would be nice, because I do want to do the here and now theme...
ОтветитьУдалитьIra, really? A month? hehe then it has to be a hard challenge, but I guess from you we'll be glad to see one anytime ;)
hey, girls, whats up?
ОтветитьУдалитьhey Anka :)
ОтветитьУдалитьso girls, did u hear its finally gonna warm up this weekend?