Here we go - no words, just pictures:

I have originally planned to share a layout I started last week, but couldn't finish because I ran out of tape runner, but I realized that my sister stole my camera for a day... so I did our month in review. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day with weekend coming up pretty soon!
Wow Anya! Just wonderful! Definitely worth it all to have all the days recorded this way, but really you didn't have to put a picture of us singing :) I don't think we sounded that good in that church, vse neraspetie, voices all aghhhh....
ОтветитьУдалитьReally lovely pictures...
Tvoya sestra navernoe znakoma s moim bratom, tot kotorii postoyanno u nas zabiraet linzu.... :D
ОтветитьУдалитьA, esheo, ne smeites s menya kogda ya pishu po ruski esli chto nepravilno :) a to ya voobshe ne uchilas v ruskoi shkole, so there, I have an excuse :D
ОтветитьУдалитьThis reminds me of Wordless Wednesday :)
ОтветитьУдалитьHey guys, check this out very informative website, lots to do
ОтветитьУдалитьWOW! That's brand new information! Alex...a!
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you Lora! You are always so sweet! А с русским ты справляешься совсем не плохо, хотя он у тебя зашифрован в английских буквах :))
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya kakie prekrasnie foto is stolko pamyati i mne povezlo chto moi detki tak chasto naxodyatsya gde i tvoi, i takim obrazom i mne pamyat ostanetsya.
ОтветитьУдалитьMne ponravilas tvoya ideya na May everyday, tak chto mozhesh delat June everyday i podelitsya s nami!
Аня спасибо за позыченный фотоаппарат!
ОтветитьУдалитьAlexeniya- Alexandriya- Alexa- Alexaxa whatever you are,
ОтветитьУдалитькак же всё таки хорошо что вы и за нас незабыли и поделились такой снохшибательной новостью, сердечно благодарим!!
Anya like i told u... NICE pictures!!! Love the idea may everyday. And Tanya i agree... so many memories, dazhe ya tam est' :-) i dont like the pictures of me, but love the idea!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd Honey... aww thanks for sharing! You r so funny hahahahahah xaxaxaxaxa hahaha i cant spot laughing... xaxaxaxa u'r the best! :-D lol
I think i looked at the pictures like 20 times already... each one is so cute!
ОтветитьУдалитьLove the picture where babushka Lida malim konfetki daet :-)
and where Lianochka is just sitting on the couch, so adorable!
And eww school and school bus... i dont wanna go back! But like those pictures! Brings back momories.
And where Lianochka on a swing... so beutifull! And "obduvanchik" :-) And borik... aww!!
Love the pic where Lianochka is sitting s Alenkoy, she looks like she's really interested in what is going on there.
But my favorite i think is the one gde Lianochka vzyala vodu v rot, with a smile on her face... so cute!!! Just wanna come up and squeeze her cheeks! And then her "steeling" the neighbors flag... love that!! And its caught on camera! :-D
But the picture where Lianochka and Inna's baby sitting by piano makes me sad... LOVE the picture, but wish there were more pics like that :-(
The pics with the kids in a little house while it was poring rain... love it! I would so do that! Still feel like a kid sometimes! I bet they had so much fun! Something they will always remember.
And of course the picture where my honey is showing off his flying skills... that's just priceless!!! :-)
Ха-ха-ха... Спасибо всем! Ира спасибо большое за такой длинный комментарий с описанием твоих любимых фотографий!!! Loved reading that! <3<3<3
ОтветитьУдалитьIra REALLY? Takoe podrobnoe opisanie :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьActually that was nice description and I agree with a lot them(krome "flying honey")
I can't belive there was so much going on in May, time goes by so fast and we need those moments to go back, even if it just last 31 days and appreciate everything you had, and thank God for all the blessings.
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you Anya for giving that opportunity!
Well said! :)
ОтветитьУдалитьI'm going to Ruslan now to fix a car... Check engine light came on, code reads "misfire detected cylinder 1" would appreciate any advise