June 8
th. Today is the official last day of school for my kids! They've been waiting for this day for so long. I'm so glad we can spend more time together now.
I thought I'll share some pieces of what I discovered on my table after cleaning it. First is a layout I've been working on, that still needs
journaling and a few final touches:

... a mini book, that I started last summer, and 'm finally ready to finish it:

... and a layout for our weekly challenge - yes, my third color is green:

And one more thing (this one was found on 2peas site, not on my table) - my Myrtle Beach lo was in top 3 of most bookmarked projects for the day!

I can't wait to see your projects for this week and I am so happy that summer is finally here! I wish you all
the bestest summer ever (is
bestest a word?)!
Hope to see you very soon!
Congratulations on your "top 3 most bookmarked" page. It truly is a wonderful layout. If they can see all of your layouts, i'm sure they would always be on the top 3 list. Very Happy for you!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, you're simply amazing!!! So talented!
ОтветитьУдалитьAwesome! Congrats again! <3 Your just like a busy bee, lo after lo :) I love the colors of your mini book, so cute!!! I want to see the finished pages too ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьBestest...hmmm, no it is not a real word :) but I use it sometimes anyways ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, i don't know how u find time to do all those things. I think summer is the busiest time for me because i can do so many things outside. i havent even started on my layout
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, u should think about starting scrapbooking classes. Maybe u ll be as famous as Ali soon
ОтветитьУдалитьДевочки, спасибо огромное за ваши добрые слова и поддержку! You are the reason why I feel inspired to make another project and thank YOU for helping me build confidence in doing what I love!
ОтветитьУдалитьKatusha, I am ok with being as famous as Anya :)