For the salad: Mix corn, canned black beans, cut up tomatoes, canned red peppers (I cut one pepper and cooked it in tomato juice with oil, vinegar, sugar and salt) and onions. In a separate dish mix crushed garlic, lemon juice and olive oil. Add salt and pepper to your desire. Thank you Katusha!
3. Speaking of Katya, I have a layout to share with you that Katya made before. It's a very sweet page of her adorable son. (Страничка сделана Катей )
4. My lovely kids are very much into cooking right now. Into shopping too, but that's not what I was going to talk about, even though there was a little story on that subject also. Okay, I have to tell it now. So, Alena was trying some clothes on at the Kohl's. She came out of her dressing room and decided to grab a smaller size of the same top she tried on. When she came back, the door of her dressing room was locked. There was this one lady that decided to use her room, even though the other four were empty. We waited... and waited... and waited a little longer... It seemed like she had to try on every item from that department. Two of each! Well, she finally came out and Alena went back in, but Alena's stuff disappeared. That lady found empty hangers and hung Alena's clothes that she came to the store in, back on the rack. Now, I have to attach a picture to the story.
... or three.
4. Back to cooking. So, my girls have been cooking or baking something every single day for the last two weeks. Kids wanting to cook - that's mothers dream come true! This week they made some delicious cookies, biscuits, salad and pizza (with a dough from the scratch. Actually they made pizza twice. The first time I "helped" them by telling them to cook the pizza crust first and then add toppings. Yeah,... All that effort Suzanna made by making pizza dough... It tasted more like pretzel with pizza toppings. Sorry, Suzanna.) I am very proud of them. Thank you girls!
5. Today Alenka surprised me with pancakes in the morning. Oh, she also made a bed for me the night before. It was so sweet of her. Am I missing something? Was it a mother's day in August that I didn't know of? There is Christmas in July, you know. Or was it "mom-I-really-want-a-cell-phone" kind of act? Either way, thank you sweetie. Here is my coffee break:
6. Another proud moment for me this week was when I watched our girls sing at the youth conference in VA. You can listen to it by clicking HERE. Click on the video, and they start singing on minute 27. And another one HERE they start singing on minute 49. Don't judge Suzanna by picking up a microphone half-way through the song.

7. I would like to end this by saying Happy Anniversary to very close to me people. These two people met in the late sixties, got married in 1974, got seven kids, moved to US in 1993, got four more sons and one more daugter, nine grandchildren and still as happy as on the picture, just not as young:

Yes I love that salad. But I made it with fresh red pepper and lime juice instead of lemon juice. And you also put cayenne pepper in it.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, you most likely won't have to cook soon. You have two cooks in the kitchen already, and third one is growing up to be one. So school starts soon... I am glad i don't have to put up with school for a few years.
Anka, sounds like you miss us already. I m confused. Do u live in philly or westchester?
ОтветитьУдалитьKatya, я заменила тот перец в баночке своим домашним. Он слишком дорогой в магазине, а если приготовить самой, выходит очень неплохо, тем более что получается очень похож по вкусу.
ОтветитьУдалитьА Ане похоже что скучно без нас. Нужно к ней как то заявиться всей толпой на салат из белой рыбы. Она теперь наверное его каждое утро будет снедать...
Many pictures, yaay :)
ОтветитьУдалитьCute page Katya!
Yea, summer is ending, even though I'm going to miss it, I am looking forward to the fall and winter season!
That is so funny about your shopping experience :)
Those girls who love to cook right now can come to my house :) i'll scrapbook and they can cook :)
Good job girls at singing at the conference! May the glory be to God! (we'll be starting our little group again soon)
And lastly, happy anniversary to your parents. They look so cute! May God bless them for many more years to come!!!
Lora this is amazing, you actually covered each subject on this post! :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьBack to school, NOT READY! Will miss for sure having my kids at home and enjoying their new passion for cooking! Will miss spending time together knowing there is no homework and no early bedtime ;-(
Also, Happy aniversary to our lovely mamochka i papochka!
ОтветитьУдалитьKatushka very nice page, well done!
Salatik nuzhno poprobovat sdelat, very healthy. Thank you for recepie.
Лора я понимаю что тебя ожидают некоторые великие события зимой, но я пока еще не готова к ней. Что то уж слишком печально что лето заканчивается. Мне все кажется что оно должно было еще как минимум три недели продлиться... :(
ОтветитьУдалитьEsli pogoda kak sednya, to da!
ОтветитьУдалитьHey, girls! I CAN'T DESCRIBE HOW MUCH I MISS THIS BLOG! The problem is, I only get to get here when I'm at my parents' house 'cause Verizon people still haven't installed our internet. I'm very upset with their service so far!
ОтветитьУдалитьDuska, we actually live 20 minutes from Philly and 20 minutes from West Chester. So our city is Brookhaven right next to Korchevkogo church. It was so unusual to get to church on Sunday in literally 5 minutes! Your salad recipe looks really good and healthy- I should make it sometime. I remember that picture of Danik for which I used that crevice tool. Very cute and colorful layout.
Sure everyone, fish salad will be provided if you come! But tell me ahead of time ato on y nas dolgo ne lezhit, lol.
About summer ending- I, actually, just pointed that out to Andrey last week; I feel the autumn season in the air already. School starts for me this Monday. It's so huge that I have to carry a map with me all the time! And I rely on my GPS so much right now!!!
Happy Anniversary to Pavel Vasil'yevich and t. Galya! May God bless your family!
Anya, must be nice to have meal surprises! I actually remember myself in Hanover when I was 11 years old, I went to a library across the street, found a cookbook where I looked up a pizza recipe from scratch. Ever since, that's the only recipe I use for pizza.
The story about Kohls is so funny!