When I started this blog, I had no intentions of sharing personal things, but now, since my visitors are a circle of close friends, I don't mind sharing some of it.
So, yes, we celebrated sweet 16, on this rare historical date - 11/11/11. And all I wanted on this day is a trip to Philly. But it all came out so much better since other two couples have joined us! Both of them were celebrating their anniversaries too! One was married on the same day with us and the other just married last year on the 13th of November.

I guess I should add a little bit of history to make this post complete... Just remember - it was a loooong time ago! Very long time ago - when cell phones, IPads, mp3, Bare Minerals, or digital cameras weren't even invented yet...
Thanks for stopping by!
haha Anya you made my laugh!!! :-) cell phones existed then! :-) but as for the trip, it was awesome!!! So glad we can share this wonderful day with you guys, my favorite people... my family!! :-) and the food WAS DE-lishiouussss!!! YUM!!! I was that salad again... i'm so going to look for that receipe :-D and if i do, i'll make it and invite you guys over again... thanks for comming over last night... so nice that we live close like that! :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьHaha, Anya, bare minerals weren't invented...lol. That just made me laugh!!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьI bet red lipstick existed then...
ОтветитьУдалитьNo Ira, we wed in 1995, and cell phones were invented a year later! I checked before posting. There were mobile phones but they were not the same as cell phones :))
ОтветитьУдалитьYea... this does sound ancient...lol
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, ya ponyala chto suda nel'zya zahodit' kogda golodnaya.
ОтветитьУдалитьHappy Anniversary again :)! And a special wish for the couple that we totally forgot had their anniversary on Sunday!!! Priglosili i sideat tixonichko, niche ne govoryat, a potom kak uxodit.... :D So Happy Belated Anniversary again Ira and Sasha!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnka, nado tebe zaranee pisat, chtob u menya vremya bilo, a to ya ne mogy zaxodit siuda kazhdii den, so write stuff like that in advance so that I know :)
By the way, that salad looks like salat zhdorovie that I know. It's really really really good, my favorite! My aunt from Moldova gave us the recipe. It has all raw veggies and kalbaska.....
ОтветитьУдалитьNow I'm hungry again...even though i just ate :)
Лора тот салат похож немного на "Здоровье", но на самом деле немного отличается и по составу и по вкусу, а называется он по названию ресторана "Тысяча и одна ночь" потому мы и заказали - и он действительно было очень вкусным!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya and Ira thank you for sharing this day with us too. I always wanted to go on this day to New York or Philli and didn't know if it would actually be possible. It turned out to be a very enjoyble day! Thank you sisters!!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya I want that salad so much!! Please find that recepie or since you are home more than me, keep trying and maybe you will come up with the recepie of your own similar to it.
Those food pictures look so good, it was absolutly delicious! I wouldn't mind having it for lunch today :-)
ery funny statemens about the time we got married :-)
Nu tak vot, dobav chto ne xvataet, ili udali chto ne nado i potom podelis s nami :D ya imeu v vidu ne tolko recipe ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьOh, by the way, this site is turning into a culinary world :) xot odnu scrapbook page postav ;) (but don't stop posting pics of food either :D)
ОтветитьУдалитьGotta go visit that place and try that delicious food
ОтветитьУдалитьSkorei suda nel'zya suda zahodit kogda tol'ko poel a ne kogda hungry
ОтветитьУдалитьHe-he... got to post something new... will be there soon!