This will be my third year participating in December Daily project. The first year I heard about DD I thought the idea was so incredible, that I decided to make two albums that year. Not a very good idea. I did complete one of them (the one I sent to my in-laws), but I was burned out to complete the other album (my own).
Today I pulled them out of the box ('09 and '10) and looked through both of them. I don't feel like finishing the first one, but I'm thankful for the experience it gave me. Having both DDs side by side, I realized that album from 2010 is twice as thick. It required larger rings to hold everything in place.
So looking through them helped me to get in the mood and finally start working on my album for this year. This is the latest I've ever started working on it, but on the other side, that means I wouldn't start collecting stuff before December comes (I could barely wait last year, so I added two or three pages before December 1st).
I realized, I never posted my finished DD 2010 here, so I'm sharing it here today!

One of those intro pages (I added a picture and journaling into a flyer I got in the mail):

Last day of November (I know, it was supposed to be DECEMBER daily):

December first:

We wanted to decorate Christmas tree right after Thanksgiving, but I told my kids that we have to wait, so it gets recorded in DD:

I bought a box of red Christmas cards and used punched out pieces of those cards throughout my album. It worked perfectly for me. Left side has inner piece of the card:

I like when pages differ in size by their width, but will never cut them in different height as I did here. It still bothers me when I look at this page (left side):

I liked adding my journaling on these cards (originally came from photo boxes):

This is the smallest page in the entire album, but I like that it fells complete with a photo and journaling (for some reason this size didn't bother me):

Adding journaling directly to a photo was one of my favorite tips, and I'm sure I'll repeat it again this year:

Loved enlarged photos too:

Another one of those cards but used sideways. The back side of it has a journaling for the day:

Black and white pictures was always a good solution for yellow and not so perfect shot (or when kids wore too much color):

Plan to take more pictures of food (these were from Christmas Party at Progress Grill):

I also plan to keep it very simple. Don't like too much decoration in this type of documenting:

I had a few flip-open pages, which let me include more pictures:

The pocket underneath photo was supposed to include a recipe of crapes:

It was a little hard for me to switch from reds to blue, so I wanted to make sure a previous page doesn't show any red, since this page was skinnier:

I would really try my best to record the stories on the day they happened. Here I have empty card... Maybe, I should ask Suzanna to write something down:

I love how stores look at this time of the year and wanted to record some of that:

A tin of popcorn is one of our Christmas traditions. Here is the picture of it under the Christmas Tree:

We ate popcorn and played some family games:

Again, no story here... originally I planned to have story instead of that green strip of paper:

Here is the card I used bits and pieces throughout my album. There were enough to send out and to use in my DD:

And a picture we included in our cards:

This is one of my favorite pages - the mail going out:

I couldn't find many transparencies, so I just had to make a few of my own:

This day didn't have a picture and I was totally fine with it:

It was impossible to pick just one or to pictures for December 24ht, so I made a collage with lots of little pictures:

I ended up with three pages for December 24th:

And a Christmas Day (really wanted to keep it light):

Two pages for December 25th:

And I did go all the way through New Years day. Here are just a few of them:

Last page:

Lots of memories:

So picked all the papers I want to use throughout my DD this year. Cut my numbers for each day (really liked having some large numbers last year) using Silhouette. And, I really hope to get my covers done this weekend and a few pages. I don't plan to do a lot of preplanned pages this year, because I really had to do a lot of adjustments as I was filling the album up, because some days I needed more space for pictures when others I didn't need much space at all.
How is your process coming along? Hope to have another party after December is over.
Thanks for visiting and don't forget to record little details of your life!
Anya your DD is absolutely beautiful!!! Can’t believe you didn’t post it last year. Makes me very jealous that I did not finish mine, and makes me even more sad that I can’t participate this year due to my empty head that made me lose my camera in FL :-( and i know i'm not going to get another one because i asked Sashenka not to give me one!! if i would lose another gift from him it would just brake my hart!!!!! So i told him to NOT get me another one! Anyway... maybe i could use my cell phone... Anya's idea... she will come up with any kind of idea just so people would participate ;-)
ОтветитьУдалитьThat's such a nice DD! I'm looking forward to doing mine this year and I already started with my front and back cover and over the Holiday break, I will work on the inside pages.
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you girls! Anka I would like to see your cover when you are done! And ... yes Ira, I wish you'd participate too, if not this year, then maybe next...
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, like you said, your DD started with the last day of November and I think that this is exactly what I will have to do since it's Rusik's birthday (last day of Nov)
ОтветитьУдалитьhonestly, i can't do it this year. My husband said "no more junk on the dining table". So until i get my own desk, I won't do it. I'll probably take pictures....I don't know :( And i couldn't find digital DD photobook this time
ОтветитьУдалитьLora, i gained 3 pounds already. And it must be a boy, because i read that u gain more weight when u r pregnant with a girl...Well, all the quizes i took say i m having a boy :) (i don't know if they are true)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, keep us updated with your coming up DD as well
ОтветитьУдалитьBeautiful!!! Can't wait to continue on mine! I was hoping you would post something from this year, the beginning of it....will be waiting :)
ОтветитьУдалитьIra - there's nothing wrong with cell phone pictures, they are actually pretty good, plus you have that with you all the time, so I'm not taking that excuse ;) plus on the other days you can steal some pics from Anya, seems like during December there's a lot more together time!
Anka, DD is very much fun and it's so nice to share them with each other (even if it's not done:) Glad you could join in.
Katya - you never know :) soon you will though! You can still do a digital one, or just buy a "pre-made" one, of you can fill an album with transparencies kinda what Ali does and that way you can just put things in without having to have a "mess" just have to print picture, journaling and put a couple of pieces of scrapbook paper....
Anya your DD looks really good! A lot of precious memories!
ОтветитьУдалитьI was just wondering if there is a pre-made one laying around at your house this year, so I can use? :-) You know at least some papers put together so I can get this this started?
Lora where did you see a pre-made one by Ali?
I should clarify that, it's kinda-premade, its a kit that they sell, I think it's through studio calico. Anya would know more... :)
ОтветитьУдалитьIt has basically everything you need and it reminds me of project life where you just put everything together. Much more convenient....
Never mind, I looked online and they're already sold out!!!
It's this link:
Go on Ali's website and you can get the idea.
I think you can still buy a plain album with the special transparency pages and just add your own things and pictures into the pockets. That is of course if you don't want to do the book from scratch :)))
And I'm not sure Anya is up to making another set of base albums :) the whole point was to get you guys excited and draw you into the whole experience. V etom gody....uzhe kakto sami :)
Well, you never know. Anya is always full of surprises, and when you least expect them too :D
There's also this:
ОтветитьУдалитьWhich could be used as a base and then decorated!
You girls can be very creative and not necessarily do the "traditional" DD style, it could be anything you want it to be, made from everything. I think i've even seen people use blank kinda like notebooks and then decorated them inside and out, which i think this is kinda....
There's lots of ideas
Ask Anya for advice if you want something a bit more convenient and fitting to your style/schedule, whatever...
I think those transparencies are called trading card protector sheets if you are not buying them specifically from a scrapbooking store/website
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, did you ever share your 2009 DD?
ОтветитьУдалитьLora thank you so much for all the explanation and links. I will check it out.
ОтветитьУдалитьSee as you are saying "the whole point is to get us excited". Well it worked, but didn't give me more brain cells :-(
I really want to work on DD this year, but definitely can't make it all from the scratch. It would just stress me out and ruin my Christmas season.
I would just have to choose one of the easier options, maybe one of those you mentioned.
Anya, how did you make potatanniki? lol. What are the ingredients besides mashed potatoes?
ОтветитьУдалитьI absolutely love the one of the pictures for Dec. 25 where Alex has Liana on his lap and he is explaining her something. Her face looks so serious because Alex is probably picking out some very tough vocabulary (you know how Alex is, lol)
ОтветитьУдалитьLora, thank you very much for taking care and explaining in details some questions to our readers! If you didn't have so much studying to do, I would ask you to be a guest designer for the week! Actually, if there's anyone who has fun stuff to share, please volunteer, while I work on my DD...
ОтветитьУдалитьAnка для картопляников в рецепт добаляется сырой картофель, (варенный картофель), лук, яйцо, ложка муки, соль и перец. Все на терку или в food processor.
You're welcome ;) I wish so too...hopefully once all of school work is settled, I'll be able to work on some projects!
ОтветитьУдалитьYou can still share little bits and pieces of your DD while you work on it :D
LOVE this album!!