I thought I'll have a post every day this week, I did have enough to share, but little pieces are missing here and there, because I did let myself get distracted for one reason. One very BIG reason!
March brings a birthday for me, and to be honest I never look forward to it. Getting older is not fun. I still feel like I'm 24, and can't believe it's not true anymore. Well, someone decided to brighten up my day a little... Actually I think he just wanted to shock me. Not in any one of the very distant thoughts did I have the idea of getting such a present... I am speechless.
He also wanted to make sure it get here on time, so it came a few days earlier, and since I was home at that moment, we opened it -

It is so fancy looking! Well, I just LOVE it! No wonder I didn't feel like posting anything yesterday...
Today I want to share a page that was started before Silhouette came. I had my backgrounds and my pictures on. I also, sketched a butterfly, and cut it out twice from two different papers, one being slightly bigger then the other one. I wasn't sure about the title, and when Silhouette came, that problem was solved instantly! Love it, when you can repeat pattern paper in your title!

Also, I came across Nic Howard's blog where she shared a post about a photo a day for March. One thing I was VERY happy to read is that for us, March first marks a first day of Spring rather then Fall (she lives in Australia)! I think I need to join in for this challenge, because March might come and go and I might realize I forgot to take any pictures during this month. You can read her post here.
AWESOME! :) For some reason I had the feeling that this was going to happen to you this year :) I am so happy for you! I'm sure it will be used a lot, can't wait to see all that you will do with it.
ОтветитьУдалитьI actually got some of Becky Higgins PL supplies and starting with today, I am doing project life :) the last two months will be a summary. I'm excited :D
And you don't have to hand make anything anymore,(unless you really want to:) you can just use the cameo :)
Aww, what a sweet surprise! He must of really took the time to do some research to get you the newest kind! Very sweet!!! Enjoy it! And I know its too early, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY month! :-D now you can enjoy your day instead of not liking it :-D Hmm, I wonder what he’ll give you next year! You gotta start hinting :-D
ОтветитьУдалитьYay! Lora I'm SO excited you doing PL now!!! You will love it! What kit did you get?
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd Ira, I never think about that stuff especially a year in advance! But thanks for B-day wishes!
Wow, that's so nice of Vitya to do that for you! It will be very useful!
ОтветитьУдалитьHappy Birthday!
Love that layout too! I have to try to work with yellows sometime too!
ОтветитьУдалитьMy hubby said that a big surprise is awaiting me for my graduation next spring. Can't wait to see what that will be!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьI know, yellow is a color that I don't usually pick first, but these colors were so easy to work with that while I still had these papers on the table, I decided to do my very next LO with the same papers. Hope to share it tomorrow :)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnka, should I talk to your hubby? Like... maybe he needs a hint or something... :)))
ОтветитьУдалитьAnay, I didn't buy a kit, I bought separate products that I liked and thought I would need, the ones she had as links a couple of posts ago.
ОтветитьУдалитьOooo Anka, that's very mysterious :) Very exciting!
I know he knows about such scrapbooking machines because I was telling him about it once. We'll see what he will come up with...
ОтветитьУдалитьLora, did you get divided page protectors or you going to do it in a different type of album?
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, so far, to begin with, i bought photo pocket pages - big variety pack 1 and also the 3x4 grid journaling cards. I'm deciding what else I want to buy, but I got those two to begin with ...
ОтветитьУдалитьPerfect! That might be all you need! This is what I'm using this year. I cut out my own week title cards, because Becky's looked a little too busy for me. I'm just so excited you decided to do PL this year!
ОтветитьУдалитьI'm excited too :) I will also probably get the 6x12 page protectors, and I like their black/white photo binders, simple, clean and classic.
ОтветитьУдалитьI think I will also do a book with PL concept for Dimochka, a month by month thing with his development, pics, funny things, to est recording him growing up.
LUCKY girl!!! That is the best present ever! Your layout is adorable!!