I made this card for my daughter's teacher using Teresa Collins products. Usually when I work on school related projects, orange is the first color choice I go to and this Giving Thanks paper collection was a perfect choice.

What I also like about Teresa Collins papers is that the name of the collection is in nice font and is big enough to use as a sentiment an a card or a little phrase on a page, as I did here: GIVING THANKS for the front of the card and THANKS for the back.

To give this book an open look, I used glue dots between the pages and under the cover too.

Thanks for looking.
ОтветитьУдалитьA mne? why teacher only? lol
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya i would even pay money for a card like that and i'm not the one to buy cards!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!
ОтветитьУдалить:) You can make it too! It's fun and easy!