I have participated in making December Daily with Ali Edwards last year and can't wait to make another one this year. Here are the products I'm planning to use for it, actually these are already precut pages for DD.

I really loved this project and am trying to convince some other "nonscrapbooking" people to join this year. My sister is one of them. I even made one for her.
Same as Ali, I made two different covers for DD, and still deciding which one to use. The other one will become a cover for my sister's December Daily. Here are both of them:

December Daily book, the one you made for me (best sister!) - goes with me everywhere... I already know what I want to have on the first page, second, third... I think I'm counting in my head "get ready, start and tomorrow... GO!"
ОтветитьУдалитьIt's so exciting to have six of us doing December Daily this year!
ОтветитьУдалитьSome of us didn't had much of the choice- you made them :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьI am exciting!