Today is the last day of November. Tomorrow I get to do my first entry in my December Daily. I'm so happy to go for this journey, especially since I'm doing it with 5 more close to me people!
Well, I just could not wait to begin recording in DD, therefore I did my first page the last week of November. It's just a few pictures from our walk outside (weather was perfect for that) and a couple of sentences. Summary of fall... I will post it as soon as I get my photos.
...It is 12:09 AM- TODAY IS DECEMBER 1, 2010! First day of DD, first page... Why I am soo happy?!
ОтветитьУдалитьYou are not the only happy soul out there!
ОтветитьУдалитьI'm a happy soul! For a different reason, but happy! ;-)