Whew,... what a week! I believe it was the busiest week in years for
all of us. This past Saturday we celebrated my baby sister's wedding and it was BEAUTIFUL! We were worried about many things, but our biggest concern was the weather, since we couldn't control it. And, by the grace of God, the weather turned out to be absolutely gorgeous!
There are four sisters in our family and we all love to work with flowers. I used to work as a flower designer at the local craft store. I truly enjoy working with fresh flowers and consider flower arranging as one of my hobbies. So, this week, the three of older sisters did flowers for our youngest sister's wedding.
I love to start with this:

To turn it into this:

And this:

So that the special day is surrounded with flowers from ceremony:

to bridal party...

to reception...

to make
these happy:
They truly deserve that. We love you sister! Congratulations!
Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon!
WOW! ...a lot of work! but its all worth it, result is breathtaking!
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, and to all my sisters... thank you so much for making the most important day of my life so GORGEOUS!!!!! Everything was even better then i hoped for! Not only did I marry the most wonderful man, my day was just so Blessed!!! LOVE U ALL VERY MUCH!!!! <3 <3 <3
ОтветитьУдалитьBeatuful pictures! Thanx for including them in your blog! :-)
You are welcome! It was our pleasure. By the way nice flowers, good choice for color combination.