Just wanted to share a few things. First is a layout I made in 8.5x11 format. I love switching between two different sizes. I used to be a very monochromatic
scrapbooker, but now I seem to enjoy playing with color a lot.

This was the first time ever I used a
button on a page:

And now I'm super excited to share my new buy. I totally love this paper collection by
Colorbok. These colors are so perfect. They look good by themselves and in combination with other colors too. I see myself using them over and over again.

Here are a few of my favorites:

I'm thinking about making a
minibook someday with these. Can't wait to play with them.
Thanks for stopping by!
hey, Anya! Did you get each of these papers separately or in a pack and where? I really like them!
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you! This was a pack that also had two sheets with stickers and all of that was for ONLY $3.99 at Ross! Isn't it a great deal?!
ОтветитьУдалитьLove the choice of colors. Makes it very happy and uplifting :) Two Sundays a week...yea, we all wish for that, and Mondays then would be much harder too :) I love Suzik and her thought process. By the way, very nice paper packet, I especially love the one with the stream of lines going through it.
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you, Lora! I would've never thought to mix peach with blue and green before, but now I love to experiment with different color combinations...
ОтветитьУдалитьAnxiously waiting for your pages.:)