Не забудьте что National Scrapbook Day is May 7!

In Celebration of National Scrapbook Day Big Picture Classes and Creating Keepsakes Magazine are teaming up to bring you a
fun-filled Creative Crop for National Scrapbook Day! The online event will kick-off on Saturday, May 7th at 9am PST. You can look forward to 12 jam-packed hours offering creative challenges every hour, live chats with industry professionals, amazing giveaways, and constant inspiration and interaction! The best part? It's all FREE!
Для голодных посетителей фото чего нибудь съедобного:

В этой картинке нет ничего нового, но у нас в доме трубочки любят все. Пекла их вчера и решила сфотографировать для вас. Думаю, может добавить трубочки в меню на наш завтрак? Или это только мы едим такое с утра пораньше?

А теперь по поводу названия. Вчера Лианочка прибежала ко мне и говорит: "Мама, там Stink Bug у Муфасы на ушке. Очень маленький Stink Bug." Я сразу поняла какой это bug, и пришлось снимать его самой. И пока Муфасе этот процесс не очень нравился Лиана так мило её успокаивала: "Не плачь, сейчас мама снимет". Еще раз убеждаешься какой это интересный возвраст. (это тема странички у меня на столе над которой я работаю)
Пару фото из жизни Муфасы и её потомков:

Пойду заканчивать мою страничку. Всем хорошего дня и жду ваши странички с ответами на вопросы и ваше фото (если вы не против).
До встерчи!
Yey, national scrapbook day, maybe this should be my official day to make my first day. This way I will always remember that special day and you all going to celebrate with me.Ira are you with me?
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya I love that 3rd picture the most, it is so funny they all look like on a mission! Don't you miss them?
Yay!!! National scrapbook day, YES i'm with u! Thats all i ever wanted! :-) :-D and Anya u know how much i love THESE PICTURES!!!!! Awwww cute babies!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьand Anya did u really have to put the puctures of "trubochki"?!? that would SO go perfectly with my tea right now!
Awww....what cute pictures and what a story!!! Trubochki? Yummy, I need to make them now too, haven't made them in a little bit. Anya, just keep posting whatever your cooking, then I won't even have to think about what to make :)
ОтветитьУдалитьBTW, it's not only the week of the National Scrapbook Day, but also National Nurses week, isn't that cool? I'm being celebrated all at the same time :D
ОтветитьУдалитьHaha, haven't made them in a little bit???? That doesn't even make sense, you can all see that my brain is fried from this morning! :O :D
ОтветитьУдалитьSo Anya, how will this class work? Do they send you stuff over email or something different?
ОтветитьУдалитьSo Lorik how did u do on the exam? Pass? well i mean of course u passed! :-) and yeah about the recipes, i dont think we need pictures of food, i think we need samples!!
ОтветитьУдалитьYou cant visit this blog at night because it makes you hungry. Trybochki look really good, i can almost smell them. Cute kittens, but not for long. They grow up to be very lazy cats (some r exceptions, like Mufasa)
ОтветитьУдалитьKatya thats true about getting hungry... so Anya, came home and more candy was staring at me!! So i ate one :-/ i can't stop... wish i was allergic to candy :-/
ОтветитьУдалитьExam was really hard and I'm still really anxious to find out my grade because it hasn't been posted yet....maybe tomorrow, don't really wanna wait till monday to know!
ОтветитьУдалитьSo after this huge stressful day, I had the most painful headache I have ever head!!!! I thought my head was going to blow up! That tells you how hard my final was...Feel better now, head still feels funny...
ОтветитьУдалитьTanya and Ira - today is the day! We'll be anxiously waiting!
ОтветитьУдалитьTaking a picture of whatever I cook - seems like I have to now ;)
Allergic to candy - I wish I was too!
Lora I hope your head feels better. We missed you at sigravka.
Too bad, Duska, if I wasn't changing my mind for today, you would've smelled and ate those trubochki that I was going to make, but I changed my mind and made biskvit with strawberry mousse on top.
ОтветитьУдалитьBednaya Lorachka! I'm sure you did well because you're a smart girl.
Oh, no, everyone else who wants to be allergic to candy, I don't think you would've been fulfilled with your food life, lol. Better to have a stronger willpower
Not that I have enough of that willpower, wish I did, though
ОтветитьУдалитьThanks Anya! Feel so much better today, but still no test grade, I just wanna see it and get it over with :)
ОтветитьУдалитьWhat are you cooking? :)
Yea, you're right, now you have to share whatever you're cooking! :)
Being allergic to candy???? Maybe somebody is in this world, but I'm sure you would just be having a lot of allergic reactions :) hehe ;) bc you still won't be able to resist it :D
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd this one is especially for Yelena since I know she stopped by on the last post. Gde ti propala dorogaya? Mi vse tebya zhdem!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьThanks Anka! Your cake sounds really good :) I think we need samples ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьSorry, Lorik! It was made for the baby shower of Pasha i Yana Harlamovi. They had a baby girl 3 weeks ago and her sister from North Carolina threw her a surprise baby shower. So yea, sorry
ОтветитьУдалитьNu niche Anka! Next time? :)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya I just read about malenkiy stink bug and thought it was really funny.(I somehow missed it last time) It made me realize what a wonderfull memory you created having all those special moments and funny comments kids say and do, have it all recorded here. You are and your family is so lucky to have such a great memory!