I like to start my morning with a special, one of a kind cup. I had my red cup with white polka dots for a long time and then it's ear broke off.
Yesterday, I found this one at Kohl's and thought it would be a nice

I should admit - I'm very good at starting new projects and not as good at finishing them. Please don't stand on my way, or I may just loose my concentration and then it will be too hard to get back on track. This time it was my printer who wanted to spoil it for me. It ran out of ink (as I told you before). I had to print pictures b/w, but they just don't look as good. She was dressed in pink and had pink petals all over the bed, but you can't see it.

I still didn't glue anything, just in case my new pictures will be slightly different in size. I just hope it doesn't take me too long to get my new print, so I don't loose my interest.
This was a scraplift as well. Original page was made by so very talented Stephanie Dagan. Unfortunately Stephanie is not a member of TwoPeas Garden anymore and we don't get to see her work anymore. She works with one of the French magazines, which means, French people get to enjoy her work, not us.
How is everyone's scraplift coming along this week? Is it baking already or are you just gathering the ingredients for it? By baking I totally didn't mean something that you can eat, as some of us could think.
See you later.
i love this pretty thing! good morning to you too. did you see the other comments on the older post?
ОтветитьУдалитьp.s. IM THE FIRST ONE!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьYea, I was kind of waiting for you to jump in... :)
ОтветитьУдалитьi know.
did you read all of iras comments?
ОтветитьУдалитьg2g... to science
ОтветитьУдалитьAs always, NICE layout!!! Love pink and brown, it's so precious!!! :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьAlonka... go to class! what r u doing here? kidding babe ;-) When do you write this?? What class lets u on the computer?
ОтветитьУдалитьBy the way... went to Ankas house yesterday... NO BKF!!! but she did replace it with this wonderful, delicious zucchini bread! YUMMM!!! I can honestly say it was the best zucchini bread I ever had! Good job Anya! ;-)
Then she showed me all her scrapbooking stuff... Anka you are so creative!!! It "almost" makes me want to start scrapbooking!
Oh, Anya, I love your cup! You know I love polka dots too :) I love that you have your special cup ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьThe layout is precious, as always :) I would be interested to see how it would look with colored pictures though. Hope you'll show us :)
ОтветитьУдалитьIra, so start :) it's as simple as that ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьYeah Lorik, i really hope someday I will!! Honestly don't have time now... full time working, comming home and doing Sashenka's work, i dont even have time to do the wash (like 1-ce a week) and only sleeping 5 hrs a night... i am so tired today!! Scrapbooking is not on the list "yet" :-( but truelly hope it will be soon!
ОтветитьУдалитьZucchini bread...mmm, I've had that before, a while back but never made it. Now, because of this blog, I need to make all these new dishes :)
ОтветитьУдалитьDoing Sasha's work too? :)
ОтветитьУдалитьYea, not started this layout yet...finals this week so it'll be getting started tomorrow after my last final...but i'm kinda thinking about it.
ОтветитьУдалитьYeah! Sasha's work that he should do him self but askes me to do it... and i really do mean WORK! Just more stuff for me to do! But its ok... at leas I'm with him when i help, makes it a little better! :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьWe should call it a "Morning Chat". M-F from 8-10 someone is here to talk to!
ОтветитьУдалитьI just went back and read all the comments Ira left on old posts and I found some comments from Anka too. Seems like she was bored and went all the way back in February. Thank you girls!
Enough energy now to post something again today!
8-10 am? Looks like I still have few minutes left.
ОтветитьУдалитьWell at least I should have good day and plenty of time to visit the blog, my doctor is sick, so she cancelled all patients for today. It's not good that she is sick, but good for me, I really needed a break.
Lora hopefully you get a break too after your last final, and Bog v pomosh tebe!
Anya I love this cup, didn't realise the other one was broken. So maybe now if we get something new that is special to us, she should post it on your blog too, it is nice to share with other people.
I agree... it is nice to share with other people! I was just telling Anka O. yesterday how this blog lets us share stuff, wish we could all "share" post things like that... this blog is great! But if there was something out there (and NOT facebook)like this that we all on same page can put pictures/recepies/updates... that would kinda nice... anyway just thinking outloud! :-D
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd Tanya... glad u can have a break! My patient for 10:30 cancelled, and we r done with this one, so now i dont have anything to do untill 1:00pm :-) SO happy! (maybe i should of wrote that in russian so my boss does not see that :-D) well anyway, he went home and we r just doing nothing... think i'm going to go for a walk! ;-)
Thanks Maruska! I would appreciate if everyone would pray for me so that I can remember all this info about peds and do well on my test tomorrow 8-10am. So ahead of time I won't be on the blog during our usual hours :D What do you guys do at work????? :) Chto to u menya na rabote eto nikogda ne bivaet... :)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, just so you know, I went back as far back as it would let me and that was done when I found out about your blog, but I just didn't feel comfortable leaving a comment, none of the girls were here yet :) A kogda Alena nachala pisat (ur sister) that's when I did too, and now look at it... :)
ОтветитьУдалитьA gde Duska i Anka? I guess u nix different chat hours :D
ОтветитьУдалитьhaha yeah looks like they didnt have breakfast yet! Dont the energy yet :-) common girls... wake up!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьLora xorosho chto napisala vremya kogda test, ya off po pyatnitsyam bydet mnogo vremya ydelit molitve, so you will defenatly be on my list!
ОтветитьУдалитьTak kak y nas v office tolko odna doctor to esli ona calls off I really do get a break. Prosto catching up on some paperwork. But it is hard to relax sometimes and enjoy easy day because in the back of my mind I am thinking how much work I have at home. Just wish I could go home.
Ira enjoy your WALK! sound good, mine will be a little later today when it warms up.
Ira, don't the energy yet? :) hehe what's up with that? Are you typing too fast again? :P
ОтветитьУдалитьWell, you girls enjoy your walks! I'll have my outing later on this evening, after I get some studying in!
Ira, you are probably right, they are not up yet! That's because they can't break themselves from the habit of going to bed when most of us are already waking up for the day haha :) well, maybe not that late :) Ne znayu za Katyu, but Anka, did you stay up soooper doooper late again?
Actually, I kinda broke that bad habit of going to bed past 12. But recently, I've been going to bed like 11-12 (within that hour) and I'm usually awake at 8-9. So yea, girls, and had my breakfast and my brunch already. Will return from college will have my lunch then.
ОтветитьУдалитьOh, good! I'm proud of you! A mi uzhe vse dumaet chto eto the same old :) Good luck at college, I know finals are coming up for you too.
ОтветитьУдалитьTeper tolko zhdem otveta ot Duski :)
Anka how can you wake up at 9 and have breakfast and brunch already by 11?!?! And already talking about lunch, no wonder you choice to be a dietician.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya-sister, don't think I ignored your lovely page, it is very beautifull, only somehow I thought it was Alenka, doesn't Lianochka looks like her older sister there?
Hey Anya just posted this and u already left 29 comments. It took me some time to read them. Yeah i went to bed after 1 am and got up at 9 15 today. Hey, Anka, how come u didnt mention anything about zucinni bread? I was at ur house yesterday. Can u girls believe I made 3 pages in two days plus glued another one that i had to finish. I don't know what's up with me. I've been craving junk food and scrapbooking for the past 3 days.
ОтветитьУдалитьOh,... I'm lost...
ОтветитьУдалитьWhat comment should I start with?
1. Will joint Tanya in prayer for Lora. 2.Spoke to Duska on the phone - she was up and had so much energy like none of us - she has made 4 FOUR pages this week!!! Go Katya! 3. I like the idea of sharing stuff all together. We should think of something like that. 4. Yes, they do look alike. 5.Ira thanks for the walk. 6.I got to go cook something...
We were writing this at the same time Duska :)
ОтветитьУдалитьhehe Anya, I love the last one, I got to go cook something... :) Way to go Katya!!!!! now we just need to see them :)
ОтветитьУдалитьira, i get on in social studies because i do my map and i do it ont eh computer so i have time then.
ОтветитьУдалитьbtw mom. u should name your blog "our chat about a topic". lol
ОтветитьУдалитьO, Lora I remember you told me about going back, but I didn't know Anka went back too. Но так как я нашла ее следы, теперь знаю что и она ходила all the way back :)
ОтветитьУдалитьJust thought I'd mention it ;) that all your previous work was not in vain, others have seen it too!!
ОтветитьУдалитьAlenka, how many times do you have social studies in a day? lol ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьWow, you girls, I wasn't here the entire day, except for the morning. But I woke up at 8am today and by 11am had my breakfast and brunch, lol.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd yea, Alenka, I think you have Social Studies all day long, lol
Duska, sorry about zucchini bread. I didn't make a big enough loaf and Andrey and I almost finished it entirely. It was kinda embarassing davat' tebe the amount kak bud'to ykrala, lol. A Ira got to try a very tiny piece of it. But it's ok, I can make you another one, ti y menya chashe bivaesh chem Ira, lol
ОтветитьУдалитьi was actually going to ask the same... Alonka how many times do u have social studies? lol like Anka said, looks like all day! But still... nice that u can join our "chat" room here :-)and btw there is nothing wrong in having breakfast and brunch by 11!! :-D :-) :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьBetter have breakfast and brunch than dinner and dinner again like i do. You should all probably call me at about 10pm to distruct me from food.
ОтветитьУдалитьgud morning people!!! 22 more days of school!!!! (not counting today)
ОтветитьУдалитьmom, u should make a new blog post. this one's getting filled up...
Guess who??!! IT IS ME:-))
...let see, what is going on here
ОтветитьУдалитьLot's of catching up to do...
ОтветитьУдалитьHiii SISTER! :-) welcome back! u really have a lot to catch up to... well not really, just a lot of conversations! :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьHello sister Alenochka! Gde mi tak dolgo propodali?! Gde tvoi stranichki, pochemy ne delishsya s nami tvoim iskystvom?