I have finally ordered some enlargements and arranged them in photo frames on the wall in our basement. Just wanted to decorate this place a little, since we spend a lot of time here during hot summer days. I sill need photos for that tall frame in the middle, even though it all started with that exact frame.

Here is our favorite place in our house during hot season:

I was finally able to take a picture of the place without my little helper in the middle, but then she wanted some pictures of her:

And here is my finished LO I shared earlier ( I knew, I can't commit. I just HAD to move a few embellishments around since I posted a
sneak of this page):

I always took a lot of photos when we went picking cherries, but never scraped any of them, and now with the right season in, I made a page using pictures from 2006. Some close ups:

journaling, for those who like to read:
Enjoy your day and take a little step in making your challenge LO happen. Just pick papers (it only takes 5 minutes), or photos, or draw a sketch of you project. Remember - ten minutes is not enough to create a page, but three times 10 minutes will have your LO being close to being done. Waiting for your pages tomorrow!
Thanks for stopping by!
I like how you decorated your wall with pictures. It is a wonderful thing to do for the family room. And cute layout. I like the papers that you chose for it.
ОтветитьУдалитьHey, ladies and "gentlewomen"! (Alexandria, lol) I had a meatless burger with tortilla chips and a black bean salsa dip today for lunch! It was sooooooo gooooooood!!!!! First time I tried it.
ОтветитьУдалитьOoops... this is scrapbooking blog! What am I thinking?
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd yea, cafe mocha with hazelnut flavor..... (had that too)
ОтветитьУдалитьEveryone's probably like: who cares? lol
ОтветитьУдалитьIt does sound really good! By the way, you talking about food - just confirms that it IS you! So where is our invitation for that delicious meal?
ОтветитьУдалитьАня, вери найс пикчерс! Нау ай вант сам черис!!! Даже очень сильно!!! Энивей... Гхавту агри выс Анка... Лав за пикчерс ан за стенка! :-) Вери найсли органайзд. Энд за пикчерс ав Лианочка вис за пилоус... джаст лав зат!!! Твоя комнатка в подвале выглядет очень "коузи". Вери найс! :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnka, that really does sound good!!! I want some too! ;-) so looks like i have to stay for a day at your house now... start with that breakfast (that we never got to try yet) and then that lunch that you just mentiond... hmmm what are we having for dinner? Ohh and the coffe you mentiond... YUMMM!!!!! Love it!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьI'm surprised that people are actually interested in my meatless burger, cause normal people eat normal burgers but I'm the only one who has to come up with meatless stuff, lol. Anyway, my meatless burger instead has a portobello mushroom inside with cheese melted on it. Instead of sauce on the bun, my burger has (well, now had) tomatoes and garlic roasted. It's actually very healthy!
ОтветитьУдалитьWhole wheat bun, and some red leaf lettuce too. Very good and healthy!
ОтветитьУдалитьIra that comment made me laugh so bad! I had to reread some words a couple of times to get the meaning of it... Thanks for the entertainment!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnka, you should've known - if you talk about food you HAVE to provide samples - that's a new rule here on everchanging blog. :)
Anya that picture of your family room looks very nice, I think I come over to check it out! Nice photos and frames. Can you do the same for me?
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd that Cherry layout is very, very nice. Fruit picking and near ocean pictures are my favorite!
I'm going to Ruslan now to fix a car... Check engine light came on, code reads "misfire detected cylinder 1" would appreciate any advise
ОтветитьУдалитьI think you can use some ribbon to dress it up or use a bulky embellishment to cover up that light that came on, so you would think everything is allright. Another option is to go digitally...
Anya, very nice...very nice. I don't have to say anything else. Vse tebya yzhe pohvalili. Would you come over and decorate my walls too? How much do you charge? I would pay you, just don't tell ilusha lol since its gonna be out of his pocket lol Maybe if i'll ask him to do it on my birthday.
ОтветитьУдалитьby the way who r those people in the middle?
ОтветитьУдалитьСпасибо Катя! Илюше говорить не будем :) Я сама себе позволила сделать эту витрину потому что попались очень дешевые рамки - но в итоге на стене они выглядят неплохо.
ОтветитьУдалитьА на центральную рамку у меня не хватило черно-белых фотографий, хотя вся эта затея и начиналась с этой рамки (как я и писала в блоге)...
Anya, lovely as usual! The cherry picking layout just works so well together, and I wouldn't mind picking cherries like that either :)
ОтветитьУдалитьLove the frame collage on the wall, very nice!
Hehe, Katya, don't you know the people in the middle frame? ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd Anka, that meatless burger does sound good because it has other delicious thinks inside it :D
ОтветитьУдалитьZdelai mne odin, ya shas k tebe zaidu :P
I didn't know Anya put "thinks inside", eto kakie takie misli ili dumi v byterbrode ;-)
ОтветитьУдалитьI had to reread the last two comments 3 times to get the idea of what was going on... :) You girls are so funny!
ОтветитьУдалитьIt's lunch time, I think I'm hungry for that "thinking" burger :)))
ОтветитьУдалитьOops, that was me.
ОтветитьУдалитьhahaha....didn't you know that's what she has when she needs inspiration for scrapbooking, thinking burgers :P instead of chocolate icing :D
ОтветитьУдалитьha-ha-ha... Lora I think that we are the only two who read the chocolate icing story :))