O.K. Where do I start? I guess I need to start with a warmer picture first.

Next thing on my list is an apology. This has probably been the longest break I ever took. This totally doesn't mean that I give up blogging or scrapbooking. I love this outlet, but even more I love people who visit this place! But I do have a few good reasons for my disappearance. One of them is that my laptop was having some hiccups lately, and in the fear of loosing a year worth of pictures I had to go through each and every folder to review, decide, combine, sort, delete, and repeat. Two hundred seventy two folders - did you hear? 272. My camera saves photos by dates automatically. Some folders had only three pictures, others had three hundred. It takes a long time to go through them all, plus you can't do that for a very long period of time, since you stop seeing differences between pictures.
I don't have a backup for my pictures and for now all I do is sort them by months, type brief descriptions of the content on cardstock which turns into a little pocket. Then I save the pictures on DVDs - making two copies of each. One is for me to work with and another goes into our safe. It may not be the best way to store pictures, but it works for me right now.
I decided to take a picture of these pockets, so it'll make more sense to you. Here are the once from last year, since my new ones aren't printed yet:
A lot more things have been happening here, like a camera review with my cousin. Having three cameras and six lenses on one couch was a little confusing, but it was fun. I'm a little jealous of her new Cannon 60D. Can't wait to see her pictures from overseas.
... or some sewing. I made a new skirt for my daughter and worked on some fixes for a good friend...
... or a fall photo shoot of this gorgeous couple:

And a few more random things:
Fun video here - http://www.paperclipping.com/free-video-repurposing-stuff-into-scrapbooking/ by sweet Noel. After watching it, I remembered a page that I did over the summer using some of the every day items, that I never shared. I need to find it and post it.
Tempted to do one of these - http://www.beckyhiggins.com/products/ next year. Especially seeing some people like Ali going so strong. Anyone wants to join? I need some motivation along the way.
And... в русском магазине очень вкусные сливы по $0.49 lb. I know, that is so random, but I just felt like I needed to share.
One more link. My sister told me to listen to it. I wish there were more songs like this one - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBh8b4qQs2Y&feature=related . Worth listening to.
Until next time!
Anya, you are back, yey!!! thank u for the photo shoot, i really like the colors on this picture (haven't seen the other ones). Don't worry i won't bother you anymore soon, when i 'll upgrade my camera.
ОтветитьУдалитьLooks like you've been busy!!! :) I wish I was busy with that type of work, but i'll have to be busy with my studying for now....
ОтветитьУдалитьNice pictures, the lucky couple got a photo shoot :D
Anya, why do you keep posting pictures of food without samples? Ya dumala chto mi vse dogovorilis about this subject ;)
Waiting to see your complete page! Already looks really good!
Thank you! Katya congrats on your soon to be upgrated camera! And Lora, I'm still fighting with google about sending samples over the internet :)))
ОтветитьУдалитьHi Anya, I am back.. I did take a lot of pictures. I see if I can download them in my dropbox or odnoklassniki. I did love to take pictures with it. Maybe I will have time to stop by your house.
ОтветитьУдалитьToo bad that the frost is coming back again:(
ОтветитьУдалитьAbout that singing group from youtube- I watched almost an entire season of Fabrika Zvezd on RussianTV when I was pregnant and bored so I've know those "ychastniki" since then. They do sing well osobenno mne nravitsya Tanya Bogacheva (girl with black hair who starts the song)
Too bad slivi are kinda far...
I was also in the mood for baking lately. Yzhe neskol'ko dnei podryad delau chocolate chip cookies a the other day made pumpkin peanut butter cupcakes. Don't know but it seems like it's my new way of relaxing at the end of my school day.
Cute layout-black butterflies are so unusual but it looks so good with the rest of the layout.
How is everyone? How are pregnancies preceding? How non-pregnant ones are doing?
Anka, watch out...ur butt will expand before you know it
ОтветитьУдалитьhahahaa... lol Andrey will be happy though... lol
ОтветитьУдалитьDuska, seems like your hair got really long.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya thank you for finally posting nice and colorful pictures in the season!
ОтветитьУдалитьThat was quite and accomplishment to go through so many pictures, how many do you have them in total?
And that bacon chicken was very delicious, I was lucky enough to taste some :-)
Didn't get to try any slivki either, but got a lot of other goodies today at Net Cost.
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you sisters for sharing our anniversary today! It was a great time spent together and very good food! :-)
Anka I wish we had more time, we would defenately visit you today.
By the way non-pregnant ones doing great, at least I am, can't speak for everyone :-)
Happy Anniversary to all lovebirds!
ОтветитьУдалитьWow! When did all this happen here?
ОтветитьУдалитьFew thoughts:
1.Inna I would love to see them all, preferably at my house. Grab your DH and come over for a cup of tea. :)
2.Anka are you taking English composition at college now? Your comment was long! :)) When are you making those pumpking peanut butter cupcakes for us to try?
3.Anka, those butterflies are plum color. The other paper on the page had a little bit of that color on it too. :)
4.Tanya, (please sign in with your real name) :), I wonder how many pictures were there. You've got me thinking... I should check.
5.Katya, (yes, another one) I bet your DH wouldn't mind expending either! :))
6.Спасибо за поздравления! There might be a post about that day... not brave enough to do it yet...
Tanya, I checked properties on my 2011 folder and it contains....... 7,434 files.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, nope, I'm not taking English composition, lol. Prosto this post had a lot of different "tema" so I tried responding to them.
ОтветитьУдалитьPlum butterflies... That's cute! As a matter of fact, for some reason I'm in love currently with plum colors in general, no matter what it is. Better do some scrapping with that lovely color...
Anya, no thank u. Y menya i tak pyzo expanding a to eshe ne hvatalo chto b my behind got bigger too. My hubby says it's perfectly fine the way it is.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnka, yes my hair got really long. Haven't visited Jeff for like five months.
ОтветитьУдалитьHappy belate Anniversary!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьThe pregnant ones are good too :) at least this one is :) feel good so far :) esheo chu chut and we'll see the little guy :D
Lora, you're, however, not late for Alex's and Ira's anniversary!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnyway, that's good that you're feeling good. Soon you will be holding this precious little one! Are you doing DD this year?
Happy Anniversary to my dear brother and my lovely sister-in-law!
Oh, come on, Duska! I don't think that you can go through pregnancy without gaining some weight everywhere ato your mom-in-law will be bringing you belyashi and I'll bake you your favorite pecan pie... lol.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, hurry up and make an anniversary post.
ОтветитьУдалитьYea Anka, I'm hoping that I can do the DD, I have a lot of the pages set up already, so hopefully I'll still be up to it to do the pictures and record :) and then maybe a little surprise will be included in my DD :D