I wanted to share a layout with you that I did this week. I like Angelia Wigginton's work and she has a number of layouts done in tilted style. So, I decided to give it a try too. Here is a page about my artists:

I used my border punch by EK Succes with large circles and then cut the top portion off and it gave this border a totally new look:

One of my favorite tips in layout making process involves my camera. It's often hard to deside which paper work best on a page and whether you like it there or not. I always wish I could see them side by side.

To solve that problem, I take a picture of my first option, rearrange items or whatever I'm trying to decide on, and take another picture. This way I can flip through the photos on my camera and really see all the options right before me. While working on this page I couldn't decide where to put journaling. I had a few options. So, I took a picture of them all and chose the one I like the best.

Now, I have to go back and finish my layout for our challenge.
Девочки я вас всех жду в это воскресенье у меня! Берите с собой ваши последние странички или December Daily, у кого что есть и приезжайте ко мне. Если у вас есть какие нибудь вопросы позвоните или напишите здесь в комментариях.
До встречи!
Very interesting with the tilt. I see you used your new papers :) very nice. So, you didn't really tell me about his Sunday, it was Inna who told me. Is it going to be right after church or how is that going to work?
ОтветитьУдалитьYes. Right after church. I thought we could make бутерброды, чай и что то к чаю. Мы с сестрами пообщаемся а братья могут попеть после бутербродов. Думаю что будет неплохо. Хотя для меня общения это всегда хорошо!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya those pirozhki on previous page look so good, are you making it for Sunday scrap party?d
ОтветитьУдалитьNo,... What are you making for the same party?
ОтветитьУдалитьWell I actually was thinking of making some of those "piroshki" myself, the only problem is, if I make it with kapusta for the large croud it might not be too healthy for the room environment:-).
ОтветитьУдалитьI am making some sandwich rolls, salad, something sweet and I am still thinking of making some piroshki only with kartoshka, how kids like it.
Ok, just wanted to hear it from you :) since you never consulted me....ahh...(I'm just picking on you ;) you know i love you! :)
ОтветитьУдалитьanya, ur party was awesome. Sorry about my headache, I wish i felt a little better to stay longer. we should do it again
ОтветитьУдалитьYea, Anya! Thank you very much for the party, we had lots of fun! As a matter of fact, as I'm writing this, I have a really bad headache myself. Maybe I should go do some scrapbooking and it'll go away, lol
ОтветитьУдалитьHey, everyone! Notice the time I'm writing this post, yep, it's 2:45 am. I couldn't fall asleep because of my headache so I decided to head down to my scrappin' corner and do a page. Believe it or not, my headache is gone completely!!! Now I know why I had this headache today, that's because the page wasn't made yet, but now it's done and I love it! Of course I will have no problem with writing as many posts as possible, because you all are sleeping now, while I'm writing, lol
ОтветитьУдалитьOk, why is the time for my post 11:46? It' s 2:47 am right now!
ОтветитьУдалитьWell, of course you won't answer me, you're all sleeping now!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьSweet dreams, my friends!
ОтветитьУдалитьMaybe I should go to bed, ato ya yzhe kak zemlya v illuminatare, lol
ОтветитьУдалитьhehe, so Anka has started her count for the largest number of comments :) wow, I was up pretty late last night too, but I was doing my clinical paperwork...and that brought on a headache :( but then I didn't have to get up early this morning to finish it so that was nice. And I'm glad for it, because this morning is pretty yucky...rainy, I don't wanna be learning, I wanna be cuddled up in my bed...
ОтветитьУдалитьWhen did all this happen?
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you all for coming! Может быть не все было на высшем уровне, но мне действительно было весело с вами провести время!
Katya, I hope you feel better today.
Anka, I wish I could do the same but first I had to make this place look like a house again. :) Scrapbooking - as a new headache treatment? I'll take it anytime! It's free and has no side effects!
Lora, I hope you get a good grade on your paperwork and I think Anka still didn't get when she needed to start posting comments. :)))
Tanya, thank you for being a great support!
Hey, I was just practicing on writing a lot of posts, nothing wrong with that, lol. It seems like everybody had headaches yesterday, must the the weather fluctuations.Eager to see our new weekly challenge!
ОтветитьУдалитьScrapbooking does have a side effect- addiction, lol
ОтветитьУдалитьEverything was perfect Anya, no need to worry :) and yes scrapbooking is addicting, and I love our challenges :)
ОтветитьУдалитьLove your page!
ОтветитьУдалитьAngelia Wigginton (who hasn't scrapped in 20 months)