We, people, get use to good things too quickly. I remember loving my pictures from my old camera at the moment, but now after getting an SLR, my pictures are so much better in quality and I compare my older pictures with these. Whenever I sit down to scrapbook, I tend to pull these most recent photos. This week I made myself use those older photos that are not as good in quality but still captured a moment in our life. To be honest I had a really good start, but couldn't finish it. I didn't like the way it was turning out. Can't share anything from that project...
Then I got my last set of pictures to finish my December Daily. I had so much fun finishing my album, but again, can't share anything since we still didn't have our DD meeting with girls.
There was another fun layout that I was working on this week. It has a complete recipe: design, color choice, concept but all I'm missing is one photo. Had to put that aside for now. No luck there. And finally, I can not share my SS layout because it's not Sunday yet. Well, I'm not done with it either.
So, after reading your comments, I decided to still go ahead and make this post happen maybe just for one reason - to reach my one hundredth post faster.
Since I can't post without a picture I decided to share one of the pages I did for my sister. Yes, I did make a page for Tanya before, but it only happened two or three times. This one was made last summer and for some reason is still sitting in the pile with my pages. All Tanya needs to do here is journaling. I know it's her "favorite" part, but I'm not writing it... Maybe one of you can help her.

Blue and green seems to be popular for these last couple of weeks :) I'm glad you posted something, I was waiting for it, plus now you kind of have to :) 100 and everything ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьLove the picture of Lianna (I don't know what is the right spelling of her name) so happy and uplifting. Hope to see a layout with that pic soon :)
Blue and green - I actually wanted to use a color combination as one of our challenges. Working on that (don't want to say any more at the moment, but IT WILL BE FUN)
ОтветитьУдалитьOne "n" in her name. :)
That will be fun! I like this variety in our challenges :) Will be waiting to hear something about this in the near future. I told you about the magazine design, I also remembered that I've seen challenges where they decide on a couple of supplies (like: you must used ribbon, a button, etc.) I know that lots of different and cool challenges will be coming our way :)