I wish I had that electronic cutter to cut titles out. It took me a while to cut that "lazy" word out with the exacto knife...
I like how Anka's page looks simple and complete at the same time. Her baby is so cute that his pictures are the only embellishments she needs on a page. Love the soft touch the side border adds to this page too. Here is her page:For the first time Lora stayed true to the original sketch and it worked for these pictures perfectly. I like how she used complementary colors to her pictures. Great spot for journaling too(that was exactly how I planned my original page). And here is Lora's page:
And now it's time to announce our next challenge. For Scraplift Sunday Challenge week 7, I've chosen a layout by Kim Watson. Good luck everyone and I will be waiting for your layouts!
I am very sorry for the delay with this post. See you soon!
How come I've never come across your blog before. Can I just say you make wonderful things and take gorgeous photos. I will add you to my bloglines, as I think there is enough inspiration to be found. I'm currently recovering from a sinus infection, but I hope to create some more layouts soon. Thank you for visiting my blog.
ОтветитьУдалитьCute pages! Anya, I cannot believe that you cut out the word lazy with the exacto knife...wow!
ОтветитьУдалитьYea, I need to find out more about that exacto knife, I have no clue what it is besides the fact that it's a knife, lol. I really like our next week challenge because it has many embellishments.
ОтветитьУдалитьVery nice work again Anya, Anka and Lora!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnka did you came up with the journaling on your page on your own or got it from someone? So sweet!
Anya I like how your word "Lazy" is in such an lazy letters, very creative as always.
Where is Katya's page? She was at Myrtle beach also, look's like she is getting behind on her work.
tak nazivaemaya "Marusya", lol! That journaling was a rub on, I'm not that creative to come up with it, lol
ОтветитьУдалитьI think it's time to rename our comments feature on this blog into "Conversation". I like that we have our own chat going on here. I also liked the giveaway part. I will do it again soon. I just have to think of a good reason. Maybe for my 100th post...
ОтветитьУдалитьHooray, I'm for it! Maybe I'll win again!
ОтветитьУдалитьYep, any reason is a good reason :) Sounds good, so Anya, here's your assignment, post as much as possible so that we can get there faster :)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnka, of course you're super happy that we'll have another giveaway, you were the winner! :)
Maybe Ta...I mean Marusya will join us since her first comment was on the giveaway day ;)
We will see...
who is marusya?
ОтветитьУдалитьHa-ha, Lora your comments are like a little sweet treat for me (Katya knows I can not eat sweet, even though I still do)
ОтветитьУдалитьKatya, Marusya is my sister, neighbor, my husband brother's wife... She was just too nice to pick a different name not to be confused with any other Tanyas in case there will be some joining later. By the way, does anyone knows of a Tanya who might be interested in this crazy fun scrabooking community?
hehe, sister, neighbor, your husband's brother's wife...very secretive, still trying to keep her undercover :) ne v koem sluchae ne pishem eio imea lol
ОтветитьУдалитьI'm not sure what the big worry was with having someone with the same name...we do have last names too ;) So, yes, now we must search for someone by the name of Tanya to join our group so that the undercover situation can be justified. Hmmm...have to think on that one...