Another reason why I like
scrapbooking so much is that my world outside my window might look like this:

... but, I may be all the way back in Canada enjoying a beautiful warm day with my family at the Lake Ontario:

I like this weird color combination lately - blue and pink. Actually this page without pink in it looked a little cold. Hope you stay warm in your imaginary place of your memory!

See you later!
Yea, I like blue and pink together even though, I would've never thought of joining them, but you did a nice job! I love the layout and pics.
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you! Now I should start working on my challenge lo... Did you?
ОтветитьУдалитьLove it! The placement of the pictures, the color choice...Again, another layout that is totally to my liking :)
ОтветитьУдалитьI already have the papers picked out for the challenge, not the pictures though...always the problem.
Yep, I just got done with it last night, will take a pic today and send it to you!