Just wanted to stop by and wish everyone С Рождеством Христовым! Can't believe that it's over, but I hope you had a good Christmas this year. We had a fabulous Christmas Eve and a great Christmas Day! So much to share! There were over four hundred pictures taken in two days. The problem will be narrowing them down for DD. Seems like I might have to do more than one page for Days 24 & 25. But those are the best memories, the ones I would really want to remember.

Last week was soooo busy that I couldn't even think about blogging. I hope I'll get a moment to post at least a page or two for DD this week, even though all the preparation for New Years celebration is still ahead. At least our kids are home from school and there's no homework.
You know that I don't like to post anything without pictures, so here's is just one more image from our Christmas Day:

Hope you have a great LAST week of 2011 and even better 2012 ahead of you!
Anya, the flowers are stunning! When I first walked into the church on Sunday, they were the first ones that I wanted to take a picture of! Love how you all decorated the church!
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you so much! Please tell me when you are planning to be here next time, I need to give you your magazine :)
ОтветитьУдалитьI sure will. Sorry for not telling you about us coming. I think I was really overwhelmed with programma at our Christmas Eve service and on top of that packing for our trip to Harrisburg.
ОтветитьУдалитьSama here. I did want to grab it just in case, but having to much on my mind, didn't let it happen :)
ОтветитьУдалитьAny work on DD planned for this week?
Yep, I am planning on working on my DD
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya very nice pictures!!! And i'm sure you have plenty more (400) that you’ll soon post and I can save them to have a copie like always! ;-) And like Anka said, the decorations really were beautiful in church! The "kafedra" and this flower arrangement was my favorite, I don’t know how u come up with things like that?! Anyway, also agree with you, can’t believe Christmas is over... My Christmas was also wonderful and we definitely had a Blessed year to which we are thankful for- for so many things!!! But in a couple of days and this year will be over too... for some reason it makes me kind of sad… don’t know why, but want to look to the future and no time to be sad. Just really hope we get some snow, can’t get in the mood of the season yet! Let it snow, let it snow, let it SNOW!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьBeautiful pictures and 400? I'm sure it'll be tough to pick the ones you want for DD :)
ОтветитьУдалитьYea, Christmas is over, but not forgotten!! Looking forward to the new year (and seeing all the DDs) :)
And hopefully more pages from Anya before then ;)
Yes to "Let it SNOW"!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd if it wasn't for my "....." printer I would've posted another couple of pages. I think it got a flu and doesn't want to print the right colors for me. I've ruined too much ink and photo paper trying to get the right colors and it makes me really mad :((
Oh, I'm sorry about your printer :/ I hope that it gets fixed soon ...
ОтветитьУдалитьYou have such a pretty blog and do beautiful work! I will have to visit more often!!
So Anya, I’ve been visiting your blog every day ( a couple times a day ) and so sad, NOTHING new :-( now I know you’ve been tiered, and “cranky” :-D with this pregnancy, but come’ on… no excuses, WE NEED NEW STUFF!!! And by the way… ya positila tu tetu kotoraya peredomnoy tebe comment ostavila, I mean it’s nice chto ona popular no tvoi stuff SAMIY LUTSHIY!!! So stop disappointing me and get Blogging!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьBeautiful pages as always....