Happy New Year! (I wouldn't mind some snow at this point.) It's kind of sad that this magic season is over:( The magic season, that can also be described as season of no exercise and too much candy...
The last week of December I got a package with this stuff in it:

So the solution was to go with a Project Life. That doesn't mean at all that I will stop doing traditional layouts (I actually can't wait to finally make one), it's just a desire to have a glimpse of the full year in one album.
You've probably seen me already use a few of these little journaling cards in my December Daily. They are my favorite part of the kit.

While waiting on the picture order, I placed a few of the pictures I had on hand in the pockets...
Can't wait to fill it up. I hope to have it done (not the journaling part though) by the time we meet for our party, to have something new for you to see, since you've seen most of my DD already.

Speaking of the party, девочки напишите ваши предложения когда мы могли бы встретиться. Я буду подстраиваться под вас. Жду с нетерпением ваших предложений и встречи!
See you later!
See you later!
F I N A L Y ! ! ! :-) ok so where to start, so much to say, but so little to see... was hoping for more pictures but this is just as good for now. As for the snow, YES!!! We need snow!! :-) Especially if it’s this cold outside, then it should be white outside! That Project Life sounds interesting, really would be great to see a whole year in an album, not going to happen for me though, i don’t even have my DD finished, no one finished it for me, I don’t understand why?! Anyway, welcome back Anya!!! And speaking of the party, it’s probably more up to Anka and Lora, they will have to tell us when they are available.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd Lorik, if you get a second to visit, just want to say CONGRATULATIONS to you on the birth of your precious little boy!!! Can’t wait to see him!
I want to join by saying CONGRATULATIONS Lora and Zhenya! When can we see a picture of your little boy?
ОтветитьУдалитьFinally Anya :-) Thank you for posting something, it was getting really boring here at work.
ОтветитьУдалитьIt would be nice to get some snow and not in March or April, but January when we are still in the mood for it.
Project does look interesting, GREAT idea, and it looks easier to me then layouts, not as much paper choosing and cutting(something I really strugle with)
CONGRATULATIONS LORA! Maybe next post should be written by you so you can share your baby story and pictures with us! Or at least include it in you DD, and it's OK that he wasn't born in December( almost December) still counts.
ОтветитьУдалитьGet plenty of rest!
Lora, Congratulations!
ОтветитьУдалитьOoo, i really like that idea Maruska... Lora should be Anya's next GUEST Blogger :-) we dont need a lot of writing, just all the details and a lot of pictures ;-) :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you all for the congratulations! It is truly a blessing from God!!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd also thanks for all of the ideas :) I'm not sure about the next guest blogger.... I think I'll just stick to talking in person :) And I think I will include this in the DD, how can it be complete without it?
Pictures? I tried sending some to Ira's email but for some reason she is not getting them... ;/ Or maybe she did get the test email...
Anya, the project life kit looks great! I was actually thinking of doing that because I will never be able to "catch up" with all the pictures that I have from before, not talking about pictures from events now...
I'll be waiting to see the results of yours :)
Yaaay Lora's back! :-) sorry Lorik i still did not get anything in my Email :-( i lookd in spam and regular and nothing :-(
ОтветитьУдалитьJust in case i'll write it again: IRLKA28@YAHOO.COM
Yay!!! Lora is back! Sorry Ira, I just seem to repeat your words lately...
ОтветитьУдалитьI reeealy want to meet with everyone for a share DD even if some of them aren't finished. I guess I should be the first one to suggest the date... How does the beginning of February sound to all of you. By that time I may share "who" are we having too...
Sounds good to me!!! :-) especially the news who we (you) are going to have :-D :-) all these people having a boy this year, Anya do u even know how to take care of a boy? :-) ;-)
ОтветитьУдалитьNot really, that's why we had all the girls so far :)
ОтветитьУдалитьIra you are funny, don't forget that Anya helped out a lot to take care of Ilya i Slavik. Sorry Duska, but it's true :)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya do you really think we ca wait that long to find out?! Aren't you gonna tell us as soon as you find out?!
Well I guess we will if we have to, it is your baby anyway!
February? chto to daleko slishkom date. that's a whole month from now. mojet 21 ili 28? Anya, ti sama ne dozhdeshsya that long to tell us the gender.
ОтветитьУдалитьThe date sounds good, although I'm not sure of anything right now, schedule wise :) We'll see how it goes :D
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, this is the year of the boys, so get ready ;) It will be really exciting to find out what you are having, and I won't be surprised if it's a boy ;D
God's blessings in that to you and your family!
So of course my DD is not finished, and I hope that I will have something put together in time.... I'm further along now then I was last year :)
Great! That's a progress already.
ОтветитьУдалитьKatya, we will be traveling on one of those dates, so to give just a little extra time I think we might have to keep the Feb date, unless we hear from Anka that it wouldn't work for her. Where is she anyway? We miss her...
Sorry for late response. I think beginning of February is perfect!