Happy woman's day everyone. We don't really celebrate this holiday, but I happened to have flowers at my house today, because one of my friends brought me this lovely bouquet for my birthday. Since my birthday is so close to this holiday, I have flowers for both occasions.

I decided to post this "лучше позже чем никогда страничку" in a separate post for two reasons. Number one - I don't want people to miss this page. If they come over and see the same old post they will not know to scroll down to check for new page. And number two - to reach our goal (Lora this is for you) of anniversary post.
Anka's page just makes me happy. I love how she incorporated memorabilia into her layout. I don't know if she used real report card of a copy, but it adds so much to this page! Again, just like Lora, she uses ruler. And the rest of the elements on the page like random numbers, lyrics from a school song and even that white border, which totally reminds me of "манжеты" -make this page so complete. Great job. Here is Anka's page:

I really hated to cut a piece of her layout, but that black background was so destructive. Girls, I don't want to make it more complicated, but if you can, try taking a picture against white or light background. Thank you so much.
And just one more random thing for today - Oh, how much I love my new 50 mm lens! It is amazing. It seems like weather was dictating me when to take pictures inside the house. Not anymore. Here is just one of the pictures I snapped of my youngest "two" children:

No editing on this one. I used to add light to all of my pictures taken indoors.
See you soon!
Yay, and here is our third scrapper :) What a cute page! Love the scattered numbers and ruler title. Is that an actual ribbon that you used for your hair or clothes?
ОтветитьУдалитьAnichka - thank you for making this post for me :) I really appreciate that ;) And that picture of Liana is so very cute!!
Aww another cute page! :-) you guys are really good!!! And Anya... I'm really happy about your lens, and Lianochka is SO CUTE!!!! And Mufasa looks greaat in that pic... but your comment is sad... you said your "two" children... if Mufasa is the second one, why do you want to get rid of him??? :-( just look at him! How can anyone ever throw that out?! :-(
ОтветитьУдалитьAnka,very creative page.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya,i m so jellous of ur camera. I cant even dream about it.
Anya, yea, I used my real report card from my 4th grade and one of the listiki from my 4th grade tetrad'. However, the picture is from 1st grade. When I was doing this layout, mne tak vspomnilas nasha sovetskaya shkola...
ОтветитьУдалитьFor Katya: sorry :)
ОтветитьУдалитьFor Anka: I know! Don't you love it about scrapbooking? You were very smart to keep some of that stuff from your school. Now it will be preserved forever!
So, have you girls found your inspiration yet? I'm not sure what to choose (have a couple of options) I want to do everything at the same time....
ОтветитьУдалитьMufasa...I can't get over how cute that sounds :) I love it!
ОтветитьУдалитьI kak eto Anya ymydrilas nazvat' her 2 youngest kids, Liana and Mufasa, lol
ОтветитьУдалитьLorachka, about that ribbon, no, it's not the actual ribbon, just store bought, wish it was actual, though
ОтветитьУдалитьHey, Anya, I wanted to ask you how come your pillows on the couch, aren't smashed in certain places. They all look fluffy and even throughout. My couch also has tons of pillows but boy, they are smashed here and there, it looks rediculous! Give me some advise!
ОтветитьУдалитьVery, very nice pager everyone! You really inspire people. I absolutely love pictures from your childhood, I think they are the best, that is when we are so innocent, so happy, and cared by the best people in the world our parents.
ОтветитьУдалитьI was even thinking of making a page without telling Anya, and of course with sick kids and being sick myself all week, didn't happen again.
Hey,whenever you and Katya decide to surprize us, we will be very pleased. Tanya, your journaling is almost done (just copy your previous comment) :)
ОтветитьУдалитьHow nice to see how different people connect with each other by just doing things like "page layouts/screpbooking" and talking about it... must be nice to have that! No one talking to me, so i'll just stop comenting on your nice work everyone!
ОтветитьУдалитьFor our anonymous member, would you reveal yourself to us? :)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnonymous, how can we talk to u if y r anonymous?