I don't know about you, but I really enjoyed looking for color inspiration this week and having it as a starting point. It was hard to pick one, since I kept finding more and more. Anyway, here is what my end result looks like:

Have to say, that I didn't have pictures in mind at the beginning. I made my decision on color combo, chose papers according to that pallet and then was trying to think what pictures could I use with it. My color inspiration picture was found in
Grandin Road magazine:

These are the papers I pulled to match colors on picture:

Here they are all together. I didn't end up using all of them, but I also didn't go back to look for more or different papers. Kind of saved time on that.
Anka's page is so fun as usual. I love her background paper. Click on the photo to see all the detail she has here. Wire border is perfect for "boys" page. Tilted part kind of adds movement, which also
adds to this layouts theme. Another thing that I liked about her page this time is that she actually has a lot of
journaling! Here is her page:

Her color combination came right from the book she was using at that time.

And this book seems like a lot of fun. (
Anka, I have to borrow it for a week, since I don't have that one. Becky Higgins is such a
talented scrapbooker and organizer.)
When I scrapbook, I have difficult times going for winter photos. Am I the only one? It gets even harder when summer gets here. So, for our next challenge, WEEK 10, we are going to be making a winter page, since it's still kind of cold outside. Good luck everyone and ... ANYA IS GOING TO PICK OUR NEXT CHALLENGE!
Oh girls, your pages look absolutely awesome, love them!!! Each one is unique, and love the color combination...I will not attempt to catch up for this past week, so I will join you in on this next week's challenge. Great work!
ОтветитьУдалитьOh, by the way, I had the color inspiration picked out too...but never got on the page :( Maybe I'll do it some other time and share it with you as well. we'll see :)
ОтветитьУдалитьAfter i had my scrapbooking lesson(thank u Anya) i started working on my winter page
ОтветитьУдалитьWe will be looking forward to seeing it!
ОтветитьУдалитьNo problem Lora, I will be waiting for your winter page now.
ОтветитьУдалитьI think we might have more pages from participants this week!... (hope)
Yay, we have more people joining!!! Don't give up, keep going :) Will be waiting to be pleasantly surprised :)
ОтветитьУдалитьMy head is gonna blow up soon. I can't make up my mind if i want to go back to college or not. I don't know what to do. And today is the last day to fill application for financial aid.
ОтветитьУдалитьI've been there... I guess I should say - pray. Let got put His answer on your heart. I hope you can feel it and trust, that this is the way to go...
ОтветитьУдалитьYes, I would have to agree, as hard as it might seen to just wait for an answer, but really He know the plan for your life therefore He knows what's best. I will pray for you too! It's a tough decision...
ОтветитьУдалить"Все заботы ваши возложите на Него ибо Он печётся о вас." I love this verse. This is what I've been through myself not too long ago.
ОтветитьУдалитьThanks Anka for that verse! I love how we can encourage each other!
ОтветитьУдалитьTotally agree!
ОтветитьУдалитьthank u thank u thank u
ОтветитьУдалитьIt's hard to put a page together when u don't have a tape runner, good scissors, circle punches, sewing machine and most important.. ur own desk :(
ОтветитьУдалитьSo i m just using paper, stick glue, and whatever punches i have.
Duska, you are welcome anytime to use whatever I have, which is not that much either :)
ОтветитьУдалитьI can give you my stuff to use, like I said before. If you want something, come over.
ОтветитьУдалитьKatya, you are so funny!
ОтветитьУдалитьSee how we offer everything we have just to get you hooked...
Yea, if you want or need something, come over :) I definitely have plenty of paper and scissors! (maybe not as much as Anya though ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьLora, which Anya you meant? lol.
ОтветитьУдалитьYea, Dus'ka, I hope you're doing this childhood pic of yours where you're sitting na potty, lol We all can't wait to see it... lol
ОтветитьУдалитьSo, Dus'ka, did you have your peanut butter jelly sandwiches with cinnamon toast crunch cereal yet? Now's the time, it's 12:30am!lol
ОтветитьУдалитьHey, guys, I'm bored!
ОтветитьУдалитьCheer me up!
ОтветитьУдалитьIt's too boring here, come on, people, respond to comments!
ОтветитьУдалитьThank u girls u r all so nice.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnka, sounds like u really enjoy this blog. Sorry if we r so boring. I 've busy doing my winter page. Yeah, i guess i should do my childhood page since u reminded me.
U know when u leave a comment here u need to verify a certain word. Well this was mine....pannis....i just had to tell u this since i can't stop laughing at it. They should come up with better words lol
ОтветитьУдалитьAnka this is for you...
ОтветитьУдалитьOk, so someone got a laugh out of it :) I'm not sure where you found it, but as long as it kept you entertained. Teper tolko Anke nado zaglyanut syuda, so she can get a laugh too...
ОтветитьУдалитьAnka, were you up late again last night? Of course no one will be replying, we are all sleeping :) well...maybe not Duska :)
So my adhesive removable tape seems not to hold at times....and I'm not sure why. Any suggestions? I was thinking maybe I should get the permanent one or maybe I'm doing something wrong...
ОтветитьУдалитьHaha, Dus'ka is right, they should come up with better words than that, lol. I once had a word "tania" actually. Lora, I don't know why you're tape won't hold. Never had any problems like that. Anya, what is for me?
ОтветитьУдалитьLora, I always use permanent. It will still let you replace things if you dont push to hard on the object you are trying to adhere.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnka, I was going to post a dosen of comments to support you, but then, someone interrupted ... Yea, Lora had a good point there, people DO sleep at night. :)
I will have to try the permanent, because the removable just wears out after a while and starts to lift up around the edges....hope this will solve it :) Thanks Anya!