While my winter page is slow cooking on my desk, I decided to share something that has been cooking in my kitchen. I has been forever since I cooked drumsticks. I tend to go for chicken breast instead. But, I really wanted to cook something different for a change. My family loves cabbage in any forms prepared. That's when decided to combine the two. Here is what I got:

A few pictures along the cooking process:

They went into the oven afterwards.

Vegetables for topping:

I used a whole bad of sauerkraut (drained):

Which was added after the fresh vegetables were a little browned. You'll need about 2-3 tbsp of brown sugar, to make it not so sour.

Topped drumsticks with cabbage and placed in the oven.
I served it with "kartoplyaniki". But, it will go better with mashed potatoes. So, if you have a favorite recipe and wanted to share, send me your pictures. I don't have intentions of turning this blog into cooking site, but it's nice to share something we love, whatever it is.
See you later!
Yummy! Looks really good! I love kapusta too! It especially sounds good with the chicken and mashed potatoes. I will have to make it this way sometime. Today however, varenichki s kartoshkoi :)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, and why did i leave ur house so early today? next time i ll stay for dinner lol i love zharenyu kapysty. By the way i had like 5 huge pizhkov s myasom today. I should probably start doing exercise
ОтветитьУдалитьOh, yea, get your butt up and exercise ato popa na drozzah virastet, lol
ОтветитьУдалитьOr, eat that celery that you still have sitting in your fridge, lol
ОтветитьУдалитьso, Anka, whats the next weeks challenge gonna? it better be good ...these r my first pages
ОтветитьУдалитьoh my, i just bought myself some sneakers bar. Why did i do that? I can't stop eating junk food for some reason today. Sorry these comments r suppose to be about scrapbooking not food lol
ОтветитьУдалитьoh my word girls!!! Kuda esheo exercise? Siela pirozhok, i davai exercise....exercise is to get rid of the extra calories, not to burn everything off! All day long, eat and exercise, exercise and eat :) lol
ОтветитьУдалитьhehe Duska, you and sweets :) I said I'm not too crazy about them, but I am drinking milk with chocolate cookies :) You're not alone :)
ОтветитьУдалитьDuska, I'm so happy to hear you ask about next week's challenge :) yay for you ;) Budet interestno!
ОтветитьУдалитьhaha, Lora, it makes me feel better ...at least i m not alone
ОтветитьУдалитьOk, Dus'ka and Lora, expect your popas to grow kak na drozzah, lol. Just kidding, and even if that would happen, I'm sure that husbands won't complain about that (at least my doesn't) lol. So funny, you guys!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd Dus'ka, don't worry. I think 5 pirozhkov is not much at all.
ОтветитьУдалитьI was actually confused about me picking the next challenge, I wasn't sure if Anya L. really meant me because she said "Anya" and not "Anka". Ok, now have to think of the challenge.
ОтветитьУдалитьWhy our Lunchenko sisters are no longer talking to us here? I think the only people that talk here still is myself (of course, when was I ever quiet?), Lora, and Dus'ka. Come on, Lunchenko sisters. Oh yea and Ryabukha sister has dissapeared too!
ОтветитьУдалитьSorry if I'm joking too much, I think that I, myself, had too many sweets today, so yea, you're not alone
ОтветитьУдалитьhahaha, Anka, oh my, we don't need exercise if we get on here and read your comments :) Mi vse ponimaet chto ti joking...I hope ;D So we all had sweets, and that's probably why we are on here writing like crazy :) hehe
ОтветитьУдалитьAnka, I think you are picking it because why would Anya talk about herself in the first person???? But Anya, come on, it's Anka not Anya.... :P ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьВо первых, I was shoked to see 17 comments! Didn't I just posted it today?
Во вторых, такое впечатление что у вас было соревнование, кто больше съест сладкого, и .... и мне кажется Анка выиграла...
В третьих, мы не пропали. Мы просто имели общение с друзьями сегодня весь вечер. Сначала на волейбольном поле, а потом за столом...
В четвертых, Anka does your brother вообще умеет молчать?
В пятых, да я действительно имела в виду Анку, я просто не заметила что неправильно написала.
И последнее - спасибо что снова предоставили мне возможность посмеяться!
By the way girls, are you practicing for 100th post? We have only 10 to go! Getting my prize package ready!
ОтветитьУдалитьGirls, Ollies on carlisle pike has a lot of good stickers for $1.29. So, hurry, while they last!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьI just noticed that was suppose to say third person, if anyone wanted to know :) (from previous post)
ОтветитьУдалитьYay for the prize package! :) Duska, I will have to go check that out, but not sure if will make it today... :(
ОтветитьУдалитьКак же интересно побывать на Анином "блоге" и получить очередное развлечение. Анка мы вернулись, а так даже интересней когда не по одному коментарию читаеш, а сразу все 22, то такое впечатление что все опять у Ани на "парти" и общаются. Кажется что сам там присутствуеш. Ануа вопрос к тебе: "Новое блюдо значит, а про соседку забыли?". Выглядит очень аппетитно, вот попробовать ещо бы.
ОтветитьУдалитьА вот зимних страниц ваших ну как то неочень хочется видеть когда на улице 70 градусов и такое солнышко светит. Тем более после такой ободрённой игры вчера, ну просто никак нехочется возвращатся к зиме.
I didn't do this weekly challenge, because I seriously didn't have any winter photos on hand. The only one that I already had done is our family by the Christmas, no snow in the background. I'm still thinking on that next challenge.
ОтветитьУдалитьYou didn't do one??? :) It doesn't have to have snow :)
ОтветитьУдалитьKeep thinking hard :D Think of something fun for us ;)
well, maybe I'll just use my Christmas layout that I think you, Lora, saw, and I know Anya definitely saw it too.
ОтветитьУдалитьI just made those Russian pancakes (or American crepes) with cream cheese and raisins. THEY ARE SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьYummy! I love them with tea, they are really good!!! I'm making homemade breadsticks, Italian night tonight :)
ОтветитьУдалитьBack to food again.... :)
ОтветитьУдалитьI know, what's wrong with us, lately? We must be growing that we are so hungry! I never made homemade breadsticks, are they from yeast dough?
ОтветитьУдалитьYeah, crepes... breadsticks... and no layout? How healthy is that? I didn't finish mine either, but that's because I didn't know which one to do... can you belive we went through SEVENTEEN winters here in US...
ОтветитьУдалитьAnka, pictures don't have to be fresh. Do you have any good winter memories? Start with a story... then look for photos. I know you can do it!
Anka - yep, they are yeast based, but they are so easy to make and I know you would love them because you love homemade bread :) And they go great with spaghetti and meatballs (turkey is the best, I love it) and just by themselves too.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd I was going to say the same thing, doesn't have to be outside with snow, could be any picture taken during the winter that has a good memory or story...
Anya - wow, that's quite a few pictures you must have to choose from...