Finally I'm able to get this together.
A page about yourself was our challenge for the past week, and girls blew me away with their work this week! Both of them did totally awesome pages!
I knew it will be a hard challenge for me to complete... Originally, I had a little different design in my mind. Our pages don't always turn out the way we plan them. This was one of those for me, but at least it has a lot of
journaling for a change. I love pages with
journaling, but can't always incorporate it into my layouts. Here is my page:
Anka's layout is so elegant and soft and pretty! She did a great job with color choices. Love little
details on her p
age! That flowering branch is oh, so beautiful! I like how she
divided her
journaling into strips and secured them with a brad. Here is
Anka's page:

I totally melted when I saw Lora's page! This is by far my most favorite page that Lora made! Love, love, love all the layers! And the color combination works perfectly with photos and theme. Cute little ribbon under a main photo too. Here is Lora's creation:

Nice job girls! I hope some other "visitors" will see your pages and get inspired to join in for the next challenge!
Until next time!
Lora should I delete that previous post, or should I keep it, to reach 100th sooner?
ОтветитьУдалить:) You can keep it, I was just picking on you, hehe :) you think I can be mad? I'm not one of those people that gets angry because of something little like that :) You're making me laugh :)
ОтветитьУдалитьBeautiful pages!!! I think they are the best so least I think so, I love them.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya - love how your journaling is designed and placed and the little pearls just add a bam to it :)
Anka - love the colors, the ribbon looks nifty and yes, the branch adds so much elegance.
P.S. Hopefully I can have my page on time this week ;) and take a picture of it during the day :) not at night...:)
OK finally I get to see your new creative work. All I've got to say there is some pretty nice "smiles", powerful words, lot's of facts, beautiful faces, nice flowers....
ОтветитьУдалитьYea, I think that this week's pages were the best. Love both of your layouts.
ОтветитьУдалитьLora's page is definitely heart touching. Yea, that smile is exactly the same, after all those years, wow. Very, very, heartwarming layout, love it. Anya's is very delicate, with the pink color combination and those rhinestones. Her journaling just blew me away, I wonder how long that took to put together. That's really long! And, Anya, you look great on pictures just like nayavu!
ОтветитьУдалитьI think she looks even better on pictures :) I don't know what the problem is... Anka, we need to make a challenge and try to take as many pictures of Anya as possible ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьMaybe because her picture is 4 yrs old and she packed at least 15 pound since (she had another baby) ... Let's change the subject! How is everyones lo coming along?
ОтветитьУдалитьYou know, I haven't even started it yet, which is very unusual for me.
ОтветитьУдалитьMe either...
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd are beautiful inside and out, but inner beauty is even more important!!! You have a beautiful and loving heart <3
ОтветитьУдалитьДорогая Аничка! Поздравляю тебя с Днём Рождения! Жаль что я немогу новый "post" поставить, то напишу хоть сдесь. Пусть Бог тебя благословит как и раньше и ещо больше. Желаю тебе оставатся такой доброй, любящей, понимающей, красивой, талантливой,и жизнерадостной и на дальнейшие годы!
ОтветитьУдалитьLove you!
Yea, Anya! S dnem rozhdeniya, i obil'nih Bozhiih blagosloveniy!
ОтветитьУдалитьWow! I'm blessed with the best circle of friends here! Thank you Lora for such warm words. Lokks like they belong on a layout :))
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you Tanya, for announcing to the whole world... but thank you, it was very sweet and surprizing! Thank you Anka, I'll except your wishes!
Can't wait for your lo's this week! (yeah, you better start working on them):)
Sorry, Anya, I missed ur birthday. I know i was one of the people invited(sorry girlz), but i just couldn't make it. so..Happy Birthday!!! And about my challenge...Anya,u r just one of those people that don't need to wear makeup..lucky u
ОтветитьУдалитьSince nobody liked my challenge for a week lol, I ll think about another one
ОтветитьУдалить:)) I have the best sister-in-law!
ОтветитьУдалитьHappy Happy Birthday!!! God's blessings to you!
ОтветитьУдалить"Блажен человек, которого сила в Тебе; и у которого в сердце стези направлены к Тебе." Пс. 83:6
Спасибо Лора! Have to memorize that one!