I tried to keep the LO fairly simple for three reasons: 1. It was already busy with so many pictures on it 2.Pictures were so pretty, I didn't have to dress it up with embellishments and 3. There wasn't that much free space left for them anyway.
I hand cut the USA letters, since I didn't have such big letters in my stash.
For the journaling, I wrote a little letter from America...
... and finished off with a few printed tags like the words year and "memories". I guess giving it to her unexpectedly made it all worth the effort of putting it together. And whether she really liked it or not I don't know, but she did have a tear in her eye when she looked at it... Hope she has the very best memories from visiting this country!
Lately I've been thinking...
I wish I was doing project life this year and recorded little everyday moments, especially when our youngest one is at such a fun age. Well, my problem is - I love to begin new things! But I'm not very good at keeping up with things. My vacation mini book is still not finished... I am better at finishing pages though. Anyway, I wanted to try to incorporate some of those little things into blogging. Little everyday moments from our life.
Why? Because I want to remember these little things and because there a whole lot more memories than I have time to ever scrapbook them all. Eventually, some of these will make into a scrapbooking LO. Others will remain here for us to go back and read them.
So, at the end of each post I'll write one of those moments. Just a tiny little bit. As much as it would've fit on one of Becky Higgins 3x4 journaling cards. And I'll write it in pink for now. Again, it may not work. I may not be able to keep up with this for too long, but it is worth trying. And now for
THAT MOMENT: "We have this thing going on at our house between the oldest and the youngest one. Almost each time our phone rings, they try to guess who is calling. And among the guesses Liana makes, the most frequent one is - Ira! For some reason she thinks Ira has nothing else to do. She likes talking to Ira on the phone. When she was younger she used a remote control or a calculator to call Ira... Well, this was her latest invention. Seems like Ira was telling her something exciting..." Sweet moment.
Thank you for stopping by!