1. Hello everyone! Просто ещё раз хотелось поздравить с праздником всех тех для которых эти слова что то значат...
Picture was found on Pinterest.
2. I have spent too much time on the computer these last few days. I was helping my sister with two photo books, so when the question came about blogging, I just had to say - enough for today. That was the reason for being absent here. Done with books for now - back to blogging!
3. I first saw the idea of this cake in a magazine. A few days later it was all over Pinterest... Well, I figured my Mom and Dad don't visit that site (plus a few more people) so, I just had to make it:
4. Just a fun little reminder for all of you - since it's April 11, it means we should be on the letter K for both alphabets! It's ok if you are behind, but don't put it off for any longer. Remember - one sentence might be enough to tell a story.
5. My little one will be four this August, so I decided she needs to start learning some letters. A few times I wrote some letters in a notebook for her to copy and she seemed to enjoy it. But she was always done faster then I expected. So, to make it fun, I decided to combine her love of photos (she LOVES to look through photos!) and writing letters in one very mini album:
It measures only 3x3. I have printed a baby picture for every letter of the alphabet. Now she can take it and copy letters from this book anytime she wants to.
Yes, she really likes her little book.
6. Just wanted to ask - How come when Spring comes with spring cleaning - one happens by itself and the other one you should be doing? We did a little bit of Spring cleaning in the basement and one spot there really makes me not enjoy cleaning. That's the closet under the stairs. Somehow everything just creeps in there and it's really hard to organize stuff.
Wishing one day we could redo that whole corner into something like this:
I wouldn't mind those floors either :) Again, photo was found on Pinterest.
7. You know how toddlers come up with some funny things or ideas in their head? So, my little one realized (or was told) that everything that I eat -the baby eats. Now, every time I put something in my mouth she asks if I eat this for the baby... First of all - any time you ask me now, I can tell that I haven't eaten anything. For myself of course. And second of all - each time she asks that, I pause and think: Does my baby really need this peanut butter cup?
8. I did make a layout last week. Another one from a week before is waiting for a few words on it. I'm in the process of thinking how to make pages more meaningful. I have more free time on hand right now, so I can let myself make a page just because I want to. In the future, with a baby in the house, I would have to really pick and choose...
This one didn't really have a deep story. I just wanted to make a page, that's how it was born.
9. Thinking about our Easter dinner again (I think I'm hungry), I really wouldn't mind to have some more of this:
I can still smell it... Thank you brother for making this delicious meat for us. Another one of my favorites from that dinner was a broccoli and avocado salad that my sister made. I think I ate most of it. Delicious!
10. Making "плов" for dinner tonight.
11. Well, originally I thought it was the tenth of April, so I had only ten things I wanted to point out today. So this point actually features an excuse for not really having a point.
Thank you for stopping by and have a great day!