Hi, I'm still here... It was just a little busier here then usual. I have a lot of things to share... and a very sick child... not to share... I told you that I couldn't stop using Silhouette, so I made a new page almost every day last week. All I need now is to take pictures of them. Hopefully, I can get to it tomorrow.

Am I the only one that takes so long to get use to a new month? And as soon as I do... the next one is already peaking in. August - did it even end? I don't remember. For three weeks I was getting used to September, and today, I've heard rumors that it is October already! Ahh...

Yes, it is October. And here is a proof of that:

Apple picking season. Love it so much! If you have never been to apple orchard... umm, well you just have to go!

... And as much as I like fall, I just wasn't ready for it yet. I still think that it would be fair if we had two Augusts a year...
See you soon!
WOW Anya LOVE the pictures!!! Fall is my favorite season!!! I SO wish that we would actually have one! Love the apple pictures!!! Now i'm going to go get one ;-) and as always Lianochka is adorable! ;-) reminds me of the picture you took of Zhenichka :-) so cute!!
ОтветитьУдалитьThe apples look delicious and the pictures are so very cute!! And you changed the background :) very nice, I like the changes once in a while.
ОтветитьУдалитьI love the rain, but I want real fall weather (it was too cold for the last couple of days) the beautiful days with colorful leaves....
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you Ira! When is your home improvement blog is going to air? Before and after pictures... you know...
ОтветитьУдалитьTotally agree - I like kind fall. Warm with sunshine, cool nights and beautiful colors...
Lora I am so picky! I'm not sure if this will stay here for long... I do like changes sometimes, but I don't always take them well...
Nice background change here, Anya. I really want to go apple picking especially that we have this opportunity 5 minutes away from us. As I'm thinking of apple picking, one picture comes to my mind- when you and I worked together at Dr. Smee's and you brought in a layout where girls were picking apples and I was asking you how in world you cut out the title like that. Remember?
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd yea, Anya, from the previous post I asked where you bought that paper pack. I'm not sure if you saw my question? So, where did you get it?
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you! and yes, I did see it, but forgot with redesigning this place, sorry... I did get it at Michaels for half off :)
ОтветитьУдалитьYes, I do remeber that moments at the endodontist office...
Making another page with those papers that happen to match my new set of picttures perfectly (colors on my photos were a little unusual, but this pack had exact shades!)
Anya I like new background design. You've actually listened to our suggestions to change it with the season. Could you just add a little more fall colors to your it?
ОтветитьУдалитьLOOOOOOOOOVE apples, it is for sure my favorite fruit! Nice pictures!
Thanks, I tried to go with fall pictures on the background but for some reason it didn't quite work... I think it was the variety of scrapbooking pages in defferent seasons...
ОтветитьУдалитьWell I guess just keep trying :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd I can't agree with those that like fall that much, there is no better time of the year than SPRING! I would't mind having few MAYS
wow, i want to go there too. When do they open and close? I bought a bag of green arganic apples, and they were so delicious. I ate a whole bag of apples in like three days. They are called golden delicious, but they are green. Anya, do u know if they have this kind?
ОтветитьУдалитьA ya kupila white fish salad... yum...
ОтветитьУдалитьI wonder if you could eat apples with fish salad?.. People do eat apples with peanut butter...
ОтветитьУдалитьKatya, they do have them. And they open until around seven. Not sure what time they open, but I wand to say after 10am.