It's fun to see how your December Daily is getting a little thicker each time you add something to it:

Day 5.
It was a very fun day with really bad pictures. But that didn't stop me from recording a memory. I used only one black and white picture and decided to concentrate on journaling instead of photos for this day.

Here I had too many photos I wanted to include, so I added a memorabilia to separate journaling from photos, otherwise I would've not been able to fit all on one page spread.
Love these snowflake stickers by Recollections (Michael's). I cut one snowflake into two pieces and used them on the edge of the page:
Another card inside and I meant to add a receipt inside there to:
The back of that insert is covered with photo collage:
And here is the rest of day 6:
I was asked how I print on small already precut journaling cards. I thought it was a good question and decided to take a moment to show how easily it's done. First measure your card and set margins to fit into the space. Then print it on a regular letter size paper. Place your card over printed journaling (adding tiny spots of adhesive) and print again.
I've learned it from Nichole Magouirk. You can run a few times changing font size until it matches the lines on the card, but I don't worry much about it. It already looks neater then a hand written note.

Hopefully you enjoy your Holiday season and take a moment to record it too!
Until next time!
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ОтветитьУдалитьAnya thank you so much for an unexpected turkey dinner! Wouldn’t mind coming home after a long day at work to a ready dinner with some great people again sometimes
ОтветитьУдалить:-)! I wish I could bring more than cinnamon rolls and bread, by the way you forgot (pickles, corn, tea, chocolate, hot water :-). Ira thank for your input, that turkey was so delicious!
Anya very nice idea with the cards, you are so creative. Love all your pages so far!
And finally you mention something about that little one inside of you! That is great you could include one more family member in you DD this year!
There is definitely a lot to be thankful for!
I enjoy so much coming here and seeing your pages! What I love most is that you are doing a great job of recording everything (love all the journaling and ideas so far)
ОтветитьУдалитьMy favorite page so far is the collage page for day 6 as well as the journaling, so precious! There is a lot to be thankful for indeed! Thanks for that reminder!
By the way, thanks for the journaling card printing tip :)
ОтветитьУдалитьOh, and I forgot to mention the pictures on the top of the blog page are a nice addition. Set the mood :)
ОтветитьУдалитьThanks for sharing this, Anya! What is that story of cinnamon rolls and jeans? Place you went to eat is that at Wegman's?
ОтветитьУдалитьAlso, Anya, how are you feeling? Are you cold like you were with Liana, lol?
ОтветитьУдалитьMne pravda samoy ochen holodno recently. I just can't warm up!
Lora, when are your finals?
I really enjoyed seeing your pages. Beautiful design. Love the white and red theme.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, a Ryzanovi znaut chto every time they visit you in december their pics will end up being in ur DD? :)
ОтветитьУдалитьFinally had time to spot by… Anya as always VERY nice pictures, layouts, blog, and all the rest!! I don’t know how you find the time to do all of this with how you were feeling. And that “Turkey Dinner” sure was fun! But out of that whole evening you only found 1 nice picture? I have a good one! I just must use that picture of Ira eating a whole turkey leg, its so funny! :-) To which brings me to the subject why I stopped by… I was looking for some encouragement, and after looking through your pages was so discouraged… well, depressed or JELIOUS is the better word!! Your book is so beautiful! I could never do this like yours! I don’t even know why I’m taking pictures :-( anyway, I think I’ll still take pictures, just hope I remember which picture was from what day, I should probably take notes with the pics :-D
ОтветитьУдалитьAnka, I had my last class today with my last test. My finals are on Tuesday and Wednesday and then I'm done :)))
ОтветитьУдалитьI do like college but towards the end uzhe xochetsya be done!