Happy New Year dear friends and visitors! I wish 2014 will bring you
lots of joy, happiness, blessings from above and many opportunities to
be creative!

I don't usually like to make New Year's resolutions or set some type of goals, because I fell like I'm setting myself up for a failure. But today, I came across a fun fill-in-the-blank on Jones design company blog and it decided to fill it out! I did adjust a few questions on the list, to make it sound with a little less pressure.
Here is my take on it...
1. A bad habit I'd like to break: Staying up too late.
2. A new skill I'd like to learn: How to use Adobe Photoshop.
3. A person I want to be more like: My husband.
4. A good deed I'd like to do: Fulfill Alena's dream about going on a missionary trip.
5. A place I'd like to visit: France! Being more realistic: Canada.
6. A book I'd like to read: More children's books to my little girl.
7. A new food I'd like to try: All the healthy recipes I pinned on Pinterest.
8. I'd like to be brave enough to: throw away things I don't use.
9. I want to find time to do more: Sewing.
10. I want to cut back on: Sweets.
11. I want to be better at: Using camcorder more often!
Writing down little things for Project Life...
Reading Bible everyday...
Cooking healthier meals...
Keeping my promises on the blog...
Eating smaller portions...
Leaving sparkly clean sink every night...
Playing tennis and volleyball...
Sending more cards...
Growing a better garden...
Charging a cell phone...
Well, that was fun! But, as you can see, I had a little problem picking just one thing for number 10. I want to ask my girls to fill this one out also. And my husband too. This could totally be used as journaling on a page. Well, since this is a scrapbooking blog, let me do one on that subject too! Copy. Paste. Repeat...
1. A bad habit I'd like to break: Moving tiny little thing around the page 300 times.
2. A new skill I'd like to learn: How to bind a book.
3. A person I want to be more like: I want to take photos like Karen Russell does.
4. A good deed I'd like to do: Help scrapbooking store in Russia or Ukraine.
5. A place I'd like to visit: CHA! - Craft and Hobby Association.
6. A book I'd like to read: I'd like to take a "Scrapbooking from the Soul" class instead.
7. A new food I'd like to try: No food around scrapbooking supplies!
8. I'd like to be brave enough to: Organize a once-a-month scrapbooking day with friends!
9. I want to find time to do more: Pages! A lot more pages.
10. I want to cut back on: Buying scrapbooking paper.
11. I want to be better at: Writing journaling...
Cleaning table after each project...
Getting in the camera sometimes...
Taking everyday photos...
Making cards ahead of time...
Photographing projects...
Cleaning stamps right away...
Posting more often...
Writing in English...
Having more giveaways...
Printing pictures more often...
Getting a page done faster...
Again, a list of things I want to be better at is longer than the whole thing together. I guess there's always something we want to be better at. I wish I could read some of your answers too :)
Thank you so much for stopping by! Have a great day and a great beginning of a New fun and creative Year!
See you son!
Happy New Year to you too! Blessings from the Lord to you and your wonderful family!
ОтветитьУдалитьYour resolutions are great! Can see myself in every word)
Спасибо Александра! Благословений от Господа и тебе тоже!!
ОтветитьУдалитьHappy New Years to you too! One thing that I really want to improve this year is posting more regularly on my blog; however, I'm not sure how that's going to go:(
ОтветитьУдалитьI know, it's hard to find time for that... especially with school and new job!
ОтветитьУдалитьАня, как же вы вдохновляете на подвиги! Спасибо!)) Утащила список для заполнения к себе))
ОтветитьУдалитьС новым годом! Счастья и здоровья!
Интересно будет его прочитать!