Hi. Today I have a quick post with a project that was created in the kitchen. I just like to share anything creative. And even though this cake doesn't look like anything special, it did take some time to be created, and that's why I'm sharing it here. For samples, you need to stop by... I know, it may not be very convenient for everyone, but sorry, it doesn't work any other way.

I spoke with one of my friends on the phone this week, telling her that I don't remember the last time I baked a cake, and this thought just stuck in my head. The other thought "Anya why do you need a cake after all the baby showers and other celebrations" was trying to push this one out... but I guess this one was ignoring "the other one". I just had to make it.

This one has only 8 layers (usually I get up to 12), but it is pretty large in diameter. It was almost 15 inches before it was trimmed.

To make all this talking a little useful, let me share a tip. I was asked before, how do I make my layers so even (almost even this time), and the answer is - I don't. I bake them in the closest shape possible, and cut the sides after the cake is being assembled together. Here is the before picture:

I let my cake sit, to get it nice and soft, and then using a large lid, I make a mark on top of the cake, by placing lid right down. Then I cut it straight down with a sharp knife.

Anyway, I was just taking some pictures of the cake and Liana asked me to take a picture of her. She is already creating something. Every morning she will draw something before even eating her breakfast. By the way, her breakfast is usually healthier than today's...

Will be back soon with something created on the paper.
Anya i really dislike you right now!!!!! Usually I try to sat something nice about your post, but this I just can not do. Well the picture of Lianochka is cute! But the picture of the most delicious, my favorite cake in the world “medovik”, is so wrong!!! I WANT SOME SO BAD!!!!!!! Do you have any left over? Or let me guess… Tanya got some didn’t she! I really should of bout a house close to you!
ОтветитьУдалитьPlease , please post the recipe!? Looks so delicious !
ОтветитьУдалитьPlease , please post the recipe!? Looks so delicious !
ОтветитьУдалитьPlease , please post the recipe!? Looks so delicious !
ОтветитьУдалитьIra, you are SO funny! I know your comment didn't sound very happy, but it still made me laugh! Yes, there's still a piece left for you, but you should come soon, because it "melts" away by the minute :)
ОтветитьУдалитьMarinushka, I'll try to post a recipe soon. I just hope I took more pictures as I was making it.
ОтветитьУдалитьLooks so so so good! I think that medovik is the type of cake that majority of people love. I would love to have a piece right now...
ОтветитьУдалитьYa soglasna, etot tork lyubyat vse.
ОтветитьУдалитьMoy lubimiy tort "Medovik" looking good! Mne esho Alin retsept nravitsya, xotya ona tak i nepodelilas reseptom prosto ochen vkusniy poluchaetsya. Tebe Anya povezlo chto y menya bil stomache bug a to tochno v gosti bi prishla
ОтветитьУдалитьMarusya, Alla delaet "Rijik". It taste very different. But I love both of them
ОтветитьУдалитьПолностью согласна с Таней что Алын рыжик это просто объедение! Как нам Аллу сюда уговорить придти гостей и поделиться рецептом? У кого получится тот получит приз :))
ОтветитьУдалитьДевочки это была я. Кнопку нечаянно нажала раньше чем надо :)
ОтветитьУдалитьWell, I'm not a big fan of medovik, I have had it once too many times :) I can eat it but it's not my favorite...
ОтветитьУдалитьA na schet Alli nado podumat :)
Looking at you, I would say you never eat sweets... or if you do, what is your favorite?
ОтветитьУдалитьNever eat sweet??!!! Hahaha Anya you are too funny! Lyublyu bolshe pirozhnie izdeliya, naprimer kak trubochki, karzhinochki, raznie pirozhenki, and lots of candy=chocolate! I also love gummy bears :) Xotya ot kievskogo nikogda ne otkazhus :) It's not that I don't like cakes, prosto uzhe navernoe naelas....mama vsegda pechet, I make them bc Zhenya loves sweets, so xochetsya cheto novoe prosto :) A medovik eto mamin "trademark" cake, tak chto we've had it a LOT of times :)
ОтветитьУдалитьYa podumala chto tebe pridetsya zdelat entry pro kakuyuto penuy krasivuyu ili vistavit video pro kakoito xor, then tell Alla she has to visit this site and see it :)
ОтветитьУдалитьok..that was suppose to say pesnu...
ОтветитьУдалитьThat is funny, but so true. Anya i kak ti nedogadalas kak Aly zamanit,Lora prava. Predlagau vot link kak xor poyot tplko slushala, skolko tolko molodezhi!! http://www.blagovam.org/player/player.php?fid=36457 (vkluchit na minute 61.05)
ОтветитьУдалитьxotya forma mne takaya nenravitsya
Anya, Alle to ya pokazala etot blog i vsyo chto mi pro nee pisali. No naschet retsepta tak i ne znau. Do i get a gift for trying?
ОтветитьУдалитьWell, I think you deserve something for trying ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, i do not need a gift..i get a lot of stuff from you already : )