Hi, I have decided to make a pink page because of a Valentines Day this week. And I realized that blue and pink are my two favorite colors to work with. These pages just come a lot easier. I made one orange page last week, but still didn't share it because there's something about it that I don't like.

Anyway, I still had to do my everyday things like cooking a meal for the family. But then, just to make my 3 year old a little excited I decided to make some cupcakes and hang a few paper hearts from the ceiling. And, yes, she was so excited to help and as soon as someone called or came in she was running announcing - we are going to have a surprise! Well, "surprise" is another thing I don't believe in. There had been only once that I have witnessed when surprise worked (that's when my sister and her husband told us they can't come to Florida with us, but had the tickets already, and met us there... but that's another story).
Well, we couldn't do even something as simple as "surprise" dinner. My husband decided to come home 2 hours earlier his usual time...

And today, when he least expects it, I'm going to make one of his very favorite dishes - "голупцы". It takes a while to make them, so I better get going.

Usually I would say to enjoy the day... but the weather through my window doesn't look very exciting... If you don't enjoy it just like me, that's ok. Find something happy to concentrate on.
See you soon!
Anya very nice LO!! Love that you used pink, and how you arranged it is very cute! Suzzik is so adorable! She looks so different now.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd as for Valentine’s Day, I totally agree!!! Why should we only celebrate it 1 day? I mean its nice that we can observe it, but Love should be celebrated all year!!! I love doing little things to Sashenka, like leave him a little note in the last place that he would expect it, like in the shower, he loved it! Hehe :-D And when he does that to me, it’s just SO SWEET! I do have a picture of one in my “December Memories” when Sashenka left me a note on the coffee maker saying “I love you as much as you love this coffee!” I thought that was sweet, clever, and funny! He knows I loveeee my coffee!! :-D
Anyway, Anya why were we not invited to that yummy looking dinner?? I love how you did the heart! Cute Ohh and about “goluptsi”, kinda glad Sashenka does not like them as much, we both are the same on them, I can go all my life never eating them. Just something that is not my favorite.
By the way Anya. THANKS, my “plov” turned out SO GOOD!!! Sashenka even said that this is his favorite now :-D aww so sweet! So glad he likes my food! :-D
Ok, I think this covers everything
Anya, ti takaya molodets. Tell Vitya he is very lucky
ОтветитьУдалитьIra, you really need a BLOG! All that writing in one comment! Thanks by the way! And thank you for all the great tips too :)) got to go make a note for his shower :)) А на счет голупцов я уже переживать начала... а потом успокоилась. Это одно из блюд которое мы доедаем до последней капусты лежащей под голупцами... Обажаю капусту!
ОтветитьУдалитьKatusha, все мы молодцы, только к сожалению я не пока еще не могу приходить к вам на блоги :))
Everything looks so beautiful! Very nice lo and dinner.
ОтветитьУдалитьYes, Ira does need a blog a to ona s kazhnim razom vseo bolshe i bolshe pishet ;)
I have to agree with Ira about bolupsi... I think I had maybe a bite on Sunday, and it was from someone else's plate. We are not too crazy about them. Maybe because I've had them so often....
Lora, I soon as I finished writing that, I thought, Lora probably never makes them :)) Having a grandma pro, why would you even bother. Actually, my turned out pretty quickly today. I guess having an extra set of hands does make a difference :)
ОтветитьУдалитьhaha i do not need a blog! :) but thanks! Anya i just wanted to make sure that i covered everything that you wrote about! Because i DO read it!!! ;) and Lorid, Anya i right... why would you need to make them if you do have a "pro" in the family ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd i don't dislike "goluptsi", but also wont miss them if never have them. Just one of those things :-)
I agree with duska!! Anya ti prosto molodets!! I love your scrapbooking, your cooking and decorating!! Vitya is lucky to have you :) A nashyot golubtsov tozhe soglasna ya ih ne lublu, but my husband loves them so much!! so I make them mostly for him =D About the notes.. that is sweet and hilarious.. leaving them in the shower.. hahaha i think I will be laughing all day.. this is too funny =D
ОтветитьУдалитьOH and those wonderful looking cupcakes!!!!!!! I WANT ONE!!! :) Looks sooooo deliciuos!!
ОтветитьУдалитьДевочки... на счет маленьких записках в душе... мой муж все не правильно воспринял :)))))) Следующий раз придется ложить в lunch box...
ОтветитьУдалитьПриближается cтолкновение с планетой Нибиру предсказывают физики. Об этом предупреждают
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Anya that is sooo funny!!! How did he take it? Now i want details!! ;) and the whole thing about the notes... you just have to have humor, and have fun with it! We love doing that! Or even something like scraping out a heart of a toast, its cute and he notices ;) lol
ОтветитьУдалитьhehehe :)