Hello friends! I'm so sorry for not fulfilling my promises on time. When I planned to post on Wednesday morning, I totally forgot about doctor's appointment:(( On our way backwe decided to stop by my sister-in-law... And you know how time flies when you are having fun!! Yes, it just flew by pretty quickly... but, at least we have taken a whole lot of pictures! Seems like I might have hard time narrowing them down for our PL album.
A picture of two children holding their hands and both looking so cute right at the camera . It just making me happy! Let's not go into details about how long have these two been this cute....We don't have to go into details, that they were this nice and quite for the first two minutes only... I'm not even going to describe how they looked like on the way home, let's just pretend that these are the two little angels in the family:
Ok, I guess I'll share a layout first (just for Lora :)) that I made last week. Again, old pictures, dark colors, same problems. I had to go really light with paper choice to make these pictures look at least a little lighter. Page"One day..."
The journaling on this page has nothing to do with the pictures. Actually, these pictures were taken before going to the circus.

Used my Silhouette to cut out those flowers that extent onto the photo. It was a good break on the dark line of photos.
And now, let me share the last two finished weeks in Project Life (weeks, that I have my photos printed for) I usually print every 4-5 weeks, even though I really want to print my next two weeks already...
I keep my PL very simple. To me it's still a photo album, but in a more chronological way of documenting and some little notes about our life. I totally mix both languages in the album. I used to do nothing in scrapbooking, because I couldn't decide what language to use. Now, giving myself a freedom of using both languages, I get SO much more done! One more thing: if I don't have enough pictures for one week, I combine them with another week. That's what happened here. (well, I did find another folder with pictures later).

Each side

(it's a little hard to photograph pages in page protectors - colors look a little more grey in them)

And a week 10:

Close up of the left side:

... and the right side.

And a few more pictures of some little details (sorry, my baby is having hiccups, yea, I had to mention). This menu top was printed, cut out and added to a plain 3x4 card.

For one of the pictures I added journaling before printing photo:

For a couple of others I just added a little strip of paper on top of it:

And also, I need to sent some pictures to our friends. They gave me their business card, so I just added it to the PL, this way I know it's not going to get lost:

Added a tab to the side of it, so I know where it is located.

That's it. Very simple, but it surely records our everyday life and moments that otherwise would have been forgotten. I hope your PL is going well, and if you haven't started yet, it's never too late. DON'T wait until January to begin - start with a Spring!
Hope you are having a good day, and I'll see you later!
I like the new header of the blog :D. It's pretty :)
ОтветитьУдалитьAre you making fun of it? It works for now, since I really needed to chance the winter theme :)
ОтветитьУдалитьNo no, I was serious :) I like it :D
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, very nice PL. Love that it is not too busy with little details and lots of color, but calm and organized :)
ОтветитьУдалитьDo you have the same style of page protectors for the whole book?
Yes I do. It's easier for me to order my pictures and for my eyes to follow the same pattern. But I did order a pack of 6x12, that I plan to add occasionally.
ОтветитьУдалитьMakes sense. I want to order those too, but I haven't yet...Don't know if I will now, maybe :)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya very nice layout especially because my lovely kids are there too :-) I want Rittochky back at that age, she was just so tiny and cute, at least to me :-) It is nice that they grow out of their dipers and now are able help with cleaning and cooking, but I miss them being at that innocent,cute age so bad!!
ОтветитьУдалитьIs it really mid March already and was planning to keep up with my PL and got nothing done! Just looking at yours and really jealous, that we were there too, but it is not in any of my memory books!! :(
So I see IRKA! Ti xochesh skazat chto tebe tak xorosho chto i nesoskychilas za nami?! Zdes nepoyavlyaeshsya, no more updated pictures, missed nashey Katen'ki baby shower, missed major vibori, I see how it is!!
ОтветитьУдалитьТаня, я же говорю - начинай с весны! Сразу веселое настроение с начала альбома. Еще не все потеряно...
ОтветитьУдалитьYeah, у Иры сейчас все в розовом цвете... даже спина и плечи... Ну, надеемся что хотя бы она привезёт фото с нами поделиться так как нам море в этом году и не пахнет :(