Hi. Today I wanted to share quickly a page that I did this week. I know, some people are counting days for the end of this school year and I am making a "back to school" layout. I really need to order more prints to work with even though I do like these pictures...

It's funny, how I used to pick the main color on photos and base my whole design around that color. Here, I decided to stay away from reds and instead use a cooler blue with some
neutrals with graphic design on them. If I used red papers here, it would turn this page into Valentines Day theme or a Christmas LO. Here is a finished look:

I always wanted to incorporate negative frames on my page someday, and getting a Silhouette, was one of the first things I tried to do. You can purchase a design online, but I wanted to try to do one of my own. It was pretty easy, and it saved me a dollar so I can use it for something that I will not be able to design on my own.

Just wanted to share how clean these came out:

I really had fun cutting all the numbers on the side of the page in different sizes from a number of different pattern papers. This idea with numbers I got from Kelly Noel's page and you can see it

Before I go, I thought I just have to share another Birthday wish from my brother-in-law. They stopped by, he gave me a card, and asked if I could read it out loud. Can you imagine my confusion when I was ngetting to the end and there was still no birthday mentioned? Here it comes:
"Сегодня я проснулся рано,
Готовился как никогда.
Эмоций больше океана.
Я в этот день счастливый как всегда.
Я радостно встречаю день прекрасный
И не секрет что special он
Он не пройдет ведь так напрасно,
Не пролетит как просто сон.
Мы этот день всегда так любим,
Мы в этот день играем и поём,
Мы этот день ведь не забудем,
Мы в этот день семьей втроем!
Сегодня праздник нам родной.
Мы просто chilling как бездельник.
Сегодня Ирын выходной!
Oh, YES! Сегодня Понедельник!"
Да... и в конце он добавил: "Oh, and of course can't forget your birthday. Happy B-day Anya!"
He is pretty good at making you laugh! Thank you, brother!
Until next time!
What a beautiful LO! I love the negative frames that you used, that’s an awesome idea! It looks so nice and clean and fresh that it almost makes you want to go to school! (Almost) :-D And your right about not using red, would have been too much. This is just perfect! And very nice pictures!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьOhh and about the stishok… may I just say how talented and wonderful my husband is! :-D haha Anya it was so much fun watching him thinking of something to do to you that would make you laugh. Birthdays should be fun… not sad when we know its coming up. He really did tell me not to say anything all day so you would think we forgot :-D it took him all day to write that! :-D glad you liked it!
Love the page, looks very sharp. And stih...eto prosto nastoyashiy talant. (I m still laughing after reading it)
ОтветитьУдалитьХа-ха... я вижу ему доставляет удовольствие когда он "makes fun of us". По крайней мере, ты права, что день рождения не должен приносить с собой что то грустное...
ОтветитьУдалитьСпасибо за комплименты о страничке :)
No, he does not like to make fun of you guys... your just an easy target! :-D haha no kidding, he just likes to make good out of all situations! Something that i try to do but does not always work :-/ But if making us laugh, or make fun of a day to make it seen better, i'm totaly for that! ;-)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd Duska your right, i was laughing so hard that i started to feel bad! haha :-)
Хоть бы не забыть теперь позвонить к нему на следующей неделе поздравить с понедельником :))))
ОтветитьУдалитьHAHA :-) do it!!! :) that would be so funny! :)
ОтветитьУдалитьWhat?! what kind of stix is that?! Ya of course snachala prochitala vse comments, ny a totom vernulas prochitat stix i vse zhdy zndy seychas zhe pro Anu pro den Rozhdeniya zhe budet i ? PONEDELNIK?! a stix okazalsya pro Sashu, pro ponedelnik?! Anyway he just proved once again that he is Sasha the only kind, very "special" and "different" :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьBut that was funny :-)
Anya can't forget about your LO it is very nice, very creative. Where do you steal all these ides? Is it all from your head? On kak neistoshaemiy istochnk? :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьOh... that is too sweet... Thanks. But we are ALL good at some things. Foe ex. I can't get up at 6am for a workout like you did, but I wish I could... what is exersize anyway?
ОтветитьУдалитьSorry for a late "happy birthday", Anya! My school has me tied up completely! Anyway, it's so nice to have this machine that cuts so clean and well. It's a pleasure, I'm sure, to work with.
ОтветитьУдалитьAlex, yea, it's just him. He does things like that all the time. Back when we were invited to Alla's 18th birthday, he got her a card that said "you're 98 today!" lol
S 8 Marta everybody!
ОтветитьУдалитьThanks Anka! Yes S 8 martom vas zhenshini!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya tebe nuzhno sdelat page prednaznachennuyu lichno dlya nas vsex zhenshin :-)
"you are 98 today" REALLY Alex?!
Ha-ha, so I think it's a pay back time - давайте все позвоним Саше и поздравим его с 8 Марта!