This is what I had on my table today... not like I really needed another piece of cake... well, I shared it with my little helper... the one that likes to grab my scraps of paper and cut them into shapes with her little scissors. Or grab a new piece of paper (when mom doesn't see it) and just ruin it in a few seconds... or use my tape runner (the opposite way) and get it all messed up... But I love having her by my site. I love to see how excited she gets when I say that her "card" looks great!

Some of these papers in the collection come decorated and with some little embellishments, like the stripped yellow paper. That tag was a part of the paper. I just added some numbers to it.

I cut out my title with the Silhouette. I LOVE how intricate it can cut. My stickers no longer dictate the colors and size of letters I can use for the title.
Last week I realized I don't have much pictures to work with anymore. Pictures that have stories I want to tell, or the ones I want to scrapbook. So, I pulled a box with CDs and DVDs and spend some time looking through them. I was surprised how little I have printed in 2009, 2010. I do have some pictures from bigger events like my sister's Wedding or a few trips we took. But since I didn't do a PL back then, our pictures with everyday moments were left behind. I was so excited to find some precious images that I don't even remember taking. I'm excited to order some more photos this week.
Hope you have a great day and I'll see you soon!
Сестричка Аничка! Поздравляю тебя с Днём Рождения! Пусть Бог тебя обильно благословит! Развивай и дальше свои таланты и способности, и применяй их больше на дело Божие!
ОтветитьУдалить"От всей души и всего сердца
Желаю лучшего тебе!
Держись за Господа покрепче
И будь всегда с Ним и везде!"
Псалом 33, 3 Уповай на Господа и делай добро; живи на земле и храни истину. 4 Утешайся Господом, и Он исполнит желания сердца твоего.
5 Предай Господу путь твой и уповай на Него, и Он совершит...
Very nice page ! I like this new design of circle on the square.
ОтветитьУдалитьCan't belive it was just a few years ago, our kids have changed so much since that picture. Mne vspominautsya oni takie ochen chasto, osobenno kogda moya dotsya Katya naginaetsya nemnogo when we hug :-)
Thank you sister! Спасибо за поздравления! "... naginaetsya" are they really that big now? Something I can't get used to...
ОтветитьУдалитьvot imenno NAGINAETSYA! tak neveritsya!
ОтветитьУдалитьNy tvoim mozhet i nepriydetsya nikogda naginatsya vsetaki y nas v roste nemnogo raznitsya est :-)
A tebe nuzhno podelitsya s nami temi cards chto tvoya "little helper" smasterila. :-)
Anya, Happy Birthday! Can't believe you are 29 already. Best wishes!!! And about your breakfast...what exactly are u eating? Did you make it yourself again?
ОтветитьУдалитьПусть в доме будет много солнца!
ОтветитьУдалитьПусть все придет, что любишь ты!
Пусть счастье в дверь твою ворвется,
И явью станут все мечты!
Чтоб жизни каждая страничка
Всегда теплом будет полна!
Любви тебе, моя сестричка,
Чтоб не иссякла ввек она!
Happy Birthday Anichka!!! May God Bless you even more then He already did!!! :-)
By the way,... very nice page!!! Any the way you all talked about your kids, i also cant belive how BIG they all are! I know they are not myine, but i also Love them very much, and it really does feel like yesterday when Lianochka was born i ya zaberala Anu s bolnitsi, or when Zhenichka kept crying because he wanted to stay with me, or when s Ritochkoy sidela v hospital chtob Tane dat' brake, ili kak Suzanochke slezki viterala chtob papa popku ne bil, ili s Katenkoy v shkole sidela kasichki ey plela chtob ona kushala, ili kak Alonka bila malenkaya s takimi bolshimi glazami na shariki smitrela... kak ona lubila shariki, dazhe Alinochka u menya dnyami nochevala chtob Alena otdahnula... and now look at all of them... i hope they all know how much i really do love them!!
ОтветитьУдалитьВ прекрасный праздник день рожденья,
ОтветитьУдалитьХочу тебя поздравить я.
Прими сегодня поздравленья,
Сестренка старшая моя.
Пусть никогда не угасает
Улыбка славная твоя,
Пускай твой дом богатым станет,
Сестренка старшая моя.
Пускай невзгод, разлуки, боли
Не знает вся твоя семья,
Пусть будешь ты счастливой, Аня,
Сестренка старшая моя.
Пускай же все свершится это.
Пусть сам Господь хранит тебя.
Пусть в жизни будет много света
Любимая сестра моя.
Ira that was very touching! Mi tebe ochen blagodarni i oni vsegda tebya schitali lubimoy tetey, esho ni razy nepomnu chtob xot chto to o tebe ploxoe vspomnili. Tak pomnu vse te momenti chto ti perechislila. Spasibo chto davala nam otdoxnut, i brala ix na nochleg. A teper y nix esho i poyavilsya lubimiy dyadya Sasha :)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnichka, Happy Birthday again!!! Many God's blessings!!! You already have everything going for you but don't forget to make time for God and your life will continue being blessed and grand :)
Прошу прощения, что сразу не ответила вам... Спасибо всем огромное за поздравления! Катюша that was very sweet of you написать, что мне 29 :) Ира спасибо за что ты написала мне journaling для моей следующей страницы... Таня и Ира спасибо за стихи! И Лора твое пожелание means a lot! О, Владик, thanks, коротко и ясно :)