Is it the "blueberry picking" season yet? I wish it was. It is our favorite out of all picking available in the area we live. Today's layout features pictures from one of those moments.

Here is a close up of the journaling for the story lovers (Lora that's for you):

As you can see I had to double the green papers. First one was glued on and already stitched until I for sure decided to put journaling there, so there went another piece on top. Still can't learn to think of story at the beginning...
Now is time to go work on something not as fun. My kids have two days off school next week, and we already have too much planned and I hope to go back and work on some journaling for the 2011 Project Life with them. By the way - ALL the pictures are in and I LOVE it!
Until next time!
Anya, you must be so in the mood for summer! I am too, by the way! Tired of the winter already!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, I m coming to pick up my pictures tomorrow!!
ОтветитьУдалитьBlueberries! Yum! Ti nas xochesh podraznit? :)
ОтветитьУдалитьYea, I know what you mean about the colors not coming up as they are in real life, that's one of the things that I don't like about pictures of LOs, they cannot totally show the true beauty, however, it's a way to share :)
I don't know how you are just completing all these LOs. I"m trying to work on my DD. Poka tolko in my head.... The little guy is taking a lot of our attention these days :)
Anya nice LO, but totally disagree with the timing!! I love the "picking" seasons, but dont rush things... i like ALL 4 seasons, just wish that January realized that it is winter and gave us some SNOW!!! :-) and another thing about timing... really? These are the pictures you had to put THIS week? ... anyway, forgive and forget... really trying to do that!! :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd Lorik, looks like you need a baby sitter so you can bring that LO in your head to paper ;-) i still need to see the little guy :-) or how Anya Grinevich puts it "smell him" ;-)
Yay! Anka is back! I know I'm way too early in the mood for summer... Ira is right, I wish January realized it's winter and gave us some snow! Then, I'm sure you would've seen some DD or winter related pages :)
ОтветитьУдалитьLora, I take advantage of this time when my little one is too little, and doesn't require much attention just yet. Enjoy your baby!
Ira, I am happy to live where the climate offers all four seasons, but... You know. At least I can be enjoying summer one day and winter the next day - the privilege of scrapbooking :)
Katya, I'll be waiting for you!
Ira, are you volunteering to babysit? :D I did send you those emails with the pictures, but I guess you never got the pictures, I don't know why it wouldn't work, maybe because I was sending from my phone...but still, without the pictures you got the email and with the pictures not...strange...
ОтветитьУдалитьWe could try something else, like skype, I'm sure that should work.
Another option is that you can come and see him in real life :)
You can choose any or either of the combinations :)