I've made two more pages last week, but they were both out of season. I'm out of winter pictures right now, so I'll just share one of those pages today (the other one is missing journaling). Well, at least the colors on this one are kind of wintery...

Thank you everyone who takes a moment to leave a comment! I really enjoy reading them and they keep this place alive!
Have a very happy Monday!
Anya nice LO as always!!! I kinda miss Florida... well actually just the "vacation" feel of it! I even remember that fountain in St. Pete beach :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьOhh and by the way, you only had 2 girls there... now your going to have 4!!! :-) wow! Such a Blessing!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьOhh and another thing, LOVE the blue color and the stitching on the LO! I always wondered how all those pieces of papers stay together :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьAhh, you are so nice! You decided to multiply my joy by dividing your comment it three pieces :))
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd yes, I miss Florida too, especially knowing we wouldn't be able to go there this year :(
Hi...y menya ploho rabotal internet, i na etot blog nevozmozhno bilo zaiti, on yzhasno dolgo zagryzhalsya. Anya, very nice page as always. Kakaya ona yzhe y tebya po schety? We also got a chance to enjoy the snow. I even tried to have a snow ball fight with my big belly lol. Well it was fun.
ОтветитьУдалитьDid I just read that Anya is having a girl?
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, love how your stitches are so neat all the time. Wait till you see my stitching on my DD:((( they're bad
ОтветитьУдалитьKatya glad to have you back!! Anka, it's still guesses... Another week or so and might share the news :) About stitches, I used my other sewing machine twice, when this one was broken, they turned out really bad. I think the foot was too loose, which didn't hold the paper under tight enough.
ОтветитьУдалитьSome of our lost commenters are back :)
ОтветитьУдалитьGreat page! No journaling though... ;) But I think you have other pages from this time, no?
Ira, 4 girls? Really? :) I think it will be a boy! :D
But then again, I'm not that good at guessing these things...
Ничего не знаю, Лианочка сказала что будет Дашенька!иначе быть не может!))шучу...конечно как Бог даст)уже не дождусь новости!Фото как всегда оочень красвые!!не перестаю любоваться и поражаться таким талантом!!как говорит мама "Аня вся в свою маму"!)