Hi! I decided to go back in the season and make a snow layout with a complaint to winter.

I've never mixed blues and reds on the same page, but really loved those winter paper collections that had this color combination in them. And for these pictures, Suzanna's coat dictated these colors for my page:

I can't seem to complete a layout without sticking a tab and a circle somewhere on a page:

Loving and keep using these tiny letters bi LilyBeeDesign:

And here is a close up of the journaling in two parts:

Thank you for visiting! And I wish you all the best ordinary January day!
Very nice LO Anya!!! Finally something seasonal! I didnt think i had to take a picture that day, just thought it was our first snow, but now i wish i did :-( looks like it was our last! Have many good memmories that day... and now thats all it is, memmories!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd another thing, since trying to do my DD i've noticed that you can almost combine any colors together and make it look good. And your Blue and Red combo looks awesome!!! I Love it! :)
ОтветитьУдалитьСпасибо сестричка! А на счет памяти ты очень правильно сказала! Мне нравится обсуждать с вами детали дизайна с той поры как вы с Таней стали делать ваши ДД. У нас появилось еще больше общего :)
ОтветитьУдалитьLove this LO especially because it has polka dots :) I think my favorite part has to be the layout of the journaling, not just a standard way of placing a paragraph of journaling, but unique and interesting.
ОтветитьУдалитьIra, way to go on doing your DD!! I'm so proud of you! See, it is what you make of it, it can be very fun, just like you found out about the colors ;)
Lora I'm on the same page about polka dots with you! I think it's another little piece of my signature style - it has to include some type of polka dots in the project. Well, at least my last four out of five do :)
ОтветитьУдалитьI don't know what it is about them... they just look really good to my eye :)
ОтветитьУдалитьYes, I know. My head turns in the direction of anything with polka dots :)
ОтветитьУдалитьi QUIT!!! I have a headache! I don’t like my pictures! Dont have enogh pictures! i really don’t like the LO! and don’t thing I’ll ever finish this thing!!! :-( I’m sad! And mad! And tiered! :-(
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya very nice page and finally within the season! I do agree with Ira blue and red go well together or at least you somehow make it look great!
ОтветитьУдалитьIrochka ne rastraivaysya tak silno! I yverenna chto nam ponravitsya i nezabivay chto eto tvoy pervij DD, poetomy neravnyaj sebya, svoy DD i svoi fotografii s Aninimi, ona zhe y nas na profecional level yzhe :) Tak chto pamyat dlya tebya vseravno budet xoroshaya. Just do it :)
Kstati mogla y Ani vzyat koe kaki foto y nee zhe mnogo s Dekabrya i mi chasto bivali vmeste.
Ira, Ira...ya ved tolko poxvalila tebya.... ;) don't worry, sometimes we all feel like that, just leave it for a little bit then come back. You will come back refreshed with a new viewpoint. Naschet foto, ya tozhe xotela skazat chto u Ani mozhesh poprosit, u nee ix oooochen mnogo :) I'm sure there's pictures of you guys there too :) osobenno te dni kogda bili sobraniya, da i tak i'm sure you see each other more often then church. Xotya ya prosila u Ani odno foto, a ona mne tak i ne prislala ego... ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnichka, mozhesh pozhalusta vislat mne te fotki to chto mi fotografirivalis v voskresenie? Pleeease... A to I already have a place for them in my DD, vseo uzhe zdelano i mesto uzhe gotovo, mne tolko foto nado...
Aww so sweet, thank you for the encouragement guys! I think I will have to visit the photo fairy and see what she has in her computer. I guess I shouldn’t quit, maybe I just need a break. I’ll try to finish it anyway :)
ОтветитьУдалитьЛорочка, я извеняюсь, сегодня проходила по списку выполняла кое какие мелочные дела. Сейчас же отошлю их тебе. Только наверное на Женин адресс а то не знаю есть ли у меня твой e-mail...
ОтветитьУдалитьТак держать Ира! It's no excuse season, remember?
Pravilno Ira! That's the spirit :) Like Lauren would say for everything 'that's the Christmas spirit' :D
ОтветитьУдалитьThat should be fine Anya. Plus mine actually changed from gmail to lorachka87@me.com, so here it is just in case for next time ;) but you can send it to Zhenya's or maybe you already sent it... ;P
So Anya, you got your wish :) Winter decided to show up so you can have another scrapbook page :D
ОтветитьУдалитьThat's right!